Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus AGES - The Enemies of Healthy Cells
Type 2 diabetes age is a catchy name for advanced glycation end products, a process which accelerates the aging of every organ in the human body. At the cellular level, they cause damage, where they are.
Diabetes is just one of the diseases they worsen. Heart, liver, kidney, brain and blood vessels AGES cause tissue damage, and it includes everything from heart disease, Alzheimer's dementia.
As they were discovered
High blood sugar and diabetes complications search looking red blood cell and sticky glucose, which is attached to them. These studies were hemoglobin A1c test and determine what levels of diabetes caused by damage to a minimum size.
Glycated hemoglobin was seen to cause problems, the more dependent on glucose concentration was added to red blood cells. Since hemoglobin cells live about 120 days (white blood cells live in a few hours to three or four days), they can tell how a person HgA1C was that the test of time by the manufacturer.
The researchers found that the sticky problem of glucose was reversible. If they have a simple sugar reduced the concentration of sugar to unhook from the red blood cells.
Higher glucose more. Lower blood glucose less. Hemoglobin A1c test has become a wonderful way to say, as type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels over two or three months to make.
This is the sticky nature of the simple sugars are of type 2 diabetes age, which is a protein with sugar, stick them in random places. Cells, which live longest see most damage from type 2 diabetes mellitus AGES.
Nerve cells, brain cells, proteins and islet cells in the eyes live the longest in our bodies. Cells of the retina as the eyes and their pancreatic beta cells in age-related damage results as soon as possible.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus AGES change your blood vessel walls of protein. They accelerate atherosclerosis, vascular breakdown. Arteries stiffen and LDL deposits in the form in which the wall is weak or damaged. This plaque blocks the blood flow increases, raises your blood pressure and makes your heart work harder and faster age.
Oxidation and pro-inflammatory action of Ages leads to the complications of diabetes, we are seeing today. Type 2 diabetes is the age of the retina, and retinopathy. They point to the peripheral nerves caused by neuropathy. And they attacked his kidneys glomerulus, and renal disease.
Of age can eat, couch Connection
Heat adds flavor to food products, the addition of sugars, proteins and lipids in brown and adds even more flavor. This is called carmelization, and the result is an advanced glycation end products. One great example is barbecued meat.
Over the past 50 years, food manufacturers have added synthetic age-packaged foods to increase flavor and a nice brown color. This is done to make food more appealing look and taste. And this is the hidden sugars and hydrogenated oil source beds.
You will find French fries, donuts, cake and dark colored sodas, type 2 diabetes age to name a few. As flavor enhancers and colorants years of age can be any pre-packaged foods, but you will not find that any word of a label.
When looking at a group of people attempts to diet, to reduce by 50% was 30% decrease in the blood within one month of age by age, although HbA1c did not show for the month declined. Test participants have speculated that it may take months or even years to reduce hemoglobin A1c.
However, from personal experience, reducing the processing, packaging and high-glycemic foods, decreased the numbers of my HbA1c every three months, from 7 to 6.5. She convinced me to reduce type 2 diabetes age my diet.
Type 2 diabetes age, what can you do about it now
Fast food is highly dependent on the age of pre-packed foods to improve taste and appearance. It makes you wonder how they would have without the tasteless and unappealing fast food. And it shows why you are much better to keep junk food from your diet.
It is gratifying to know that if you reduce your diet high glycemic (simple sugar, white flour, low fiber) side, you reduce the type 2 diabetes AGES levels. At the same time, you reduce your blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c.
Again, we see that healthy eating and exercise a lot of secrets to combat type 2 diabetes mellitus AGES. Just avoid the things that break down quickly into simple sugars we slow the process of glycation.
And if we also avoid eating processed foods age, we slow down the aging process in our eyes and blood vessels and peripheral nerves.
Research doctors are looking for a drug that will attack the age and maintain the advanced glycation end product formation. But we do not have to wait for years for help.
Diabetes is just one of the diseases they worsen. Heart, liver, kidney, brain and blood vessels AGES cause tissue damage, and it includes everything from heart disease, Alzheimer's dementia.
As they were discovered
High blood sugar and diabetes complications search looking red blood cell and sticky glucose, which is attached to them. These studies were hemoglobin A1c test and determine what levels of diabetes caused by damage to a minimum size.
Glycated hemoglobin was seen to cause problems, the more dependent on glucose concentration was added to red blood cells. Since hemoglobin cells live about 120 days (white blood cells live in a few hours to three or four days), they can tell how a person HgA1C was that the test of time by the manufacturer.
The researchers found that the sticky problem of glucose was reversible. If they have a simple sugar reduced the concentration of sugar to unhook from the red blood cells.
Higher glucose more. Lower blood glucose less. Hemoglobin A1c test has become a wonderful way to say, as type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels over two or three months to make.
This is the sticky nature of the simple sugars are of type 2 diabetes age, which is a protein with sugar, stick them in random places. Cells, which live longest see most damage from type 2 diabetes mellitus AGES.
Nerve cells, brain cells, proteins and islet cells in the eyes live the longest in our bodies. Cells of the retina as the eyes and their pancreatic beta cells in age-related damage results as soon as possible.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus AGES change your blood vessel walls of protein. They accelerate atherosclerosis, vascular breakdown. Arteries stiffen and LDL deposits in the form in which the wall is weak or damaged. This plaque blocks the blood flow increases, raises your blood pressure and makes your heart work harder and faster age.
Oxidation and pro-inflammatory action of Ages leads to the complications of diabetes, we are seeing today. Type 2 diabetes is the age of the retina, and retinopathy. They point to the peripheral nerves caused by neuropathy. And they attacked his kidneys glomerulus, and renal disease.
Of age can eat, couch Connection
Heat adds flavor to food products, the addition of sugars, proteins and lipids in brown and adds even more flavor. This is called carmelization, and the result is an advanced glycation end products. One great example is barbecued meat.
Over the past 50 years, food manufacturers have added synthetic age-packaged foods to increase flavor and a nice brown color. This is done to make food more appealing look and taste. And this is the hidden sugars and hydrogenated oil source beds.
You will find French fries, donuts, cake and dark colored sodas, type 2 diabetes age to name a few. As flavor enhancers and colorants years of age can be any pre-packaged foods, but you will not find that any word of a label.
When looking at a group of people attempts to diet, to reduce by 50% was 30% decrease in the blood within one month of age by age, although HbA1c did not show for the month declined. Test participants have speculated that it may take months or even years to reduce hemoglobin A1c.
However, from personal experience, reducing the processing, packaging and high-glycemic foods, decreased the numbers of my HbA1c every three months, from 7 to 6.5. She convinced me to reduce type 2 diabetes age my diet.
Type 2 diabetes age, what can you do about it now
Fast food is highly dependent on the age of pre-packed foods to improve taste and appearance. It makes you wonder how they would have without the tasteless and unappealing fast food. And it shows why you are much better to keep junk food from your diet.
It is gratifying to know that if you reduce your diet high glycemic (simple sugar, white flour, low fiber) side, you reduce the type 2 diabetes AGES levels. At the same time, you reduce your blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c.
Again, we see that healthy eating and exercise a lot of secrets to combat type 2 diabetes mellitus AGES. Just avoid the things that break down quickly into simple sugars we slow the process of glycation.
And if we also avoid eating processed foods age, we slow down the aging process in our eyes and blood vessels and peripheral nerves.
Research doctors are looking for a drug that will attack the age and maintain the advanced glycation end product formation. But we do not have to wait for years for help.