The Truth About Canadian Flax Seed
Is there any difference between Canadian flax seed and flax seed product sourced from other countries? While some may argue that the differences are negligible, the Canadian climate and prairie landscape is certainly conducive to the production of high quality flax seed, promoting high levels of beneficial oils and essential nutrients within the flax and linseed byproducts.
Canada, and Western Canada in particular, are one of the largest producers of this product in the world, and it is used both domestically for animal and human consumption, as well as being exported all around the world.
One of the reasons why Canadian flax seed has such high quality levels is that it is grown in an environment of long sunshine exposure due to the unique latitude that Canada is located in.
This contributes to extremely high quality and high yields of the product.
Typically, it is planted in late May or early June, and by late September or early October, it is ready for harvest.
This rapid harvest during the autumn months contributes to a good moisture level and overall good quality of the Canadian flax.
Increased Health Benefits - Flax from Canadian Seeds Canadian flax has long been known to be rich in vital Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids, which are all the more important because they aren't naturally produced by the human body.
Flax seed produced in Canada in particular have been shown to be especially rich in these vital fatty acids, in addition to Lignan and other vitamins and minerals.
The Omega 3 fatty acid called Alpha Linolenic Acid in particular is found to comprise of 59% of the Canadian flax oil, which is extremely high in comparison to other flaxseed byproducts.
Flax is also extremely rich in fiber, which helps to ease your bowel movements and literally clean your insides and remove all kinds of built up toxins and other harmful elements.
You should be careful not to take flax seed if you suffer from any kind of intestinal obstruction however, as this will be very detrimental to your health.
All in all, Canadian flax has been proven time and time again in many studies to be extremely beneficial for your health.
If you're still wondering if this is truly a worthwhile supplement to take, I would recommend that you at least give it a try and see at the end of a few months how good it is for your health.
Canada, and Western Canada in particular, are one of the largest producers of this product in the world, and it is used both domestically for animal and human consumption, as well as being exported all around the world.
One of the reasons why Canadian flax seed has such high quality levels is that it is grown in an environment of long sunshine exposure due to the unique latitude that Canada is located in.
This contributes to extremely high quality and high yields of the product.
Typically, it is planted in late May or early June, and by late September or early October, it is ready for harvest.
This rapid harvest during the autumn months contributes to a good moisture level and overall good quality of the Canadian flax.
Increased Health Benefits - Flax from Canadian Seeds Canadian flax has long been known to be rich in vital Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids, which are all the more important because they aren't naturally produced by the human body.
Flax seed produced in Canada in particular have been shown to be especially rich in these vital fatty acids, in addition to Lignan and other vitamins and minerals.
The Omega 3 fatty acid called Alpha Linolenic Acid in particular is found to comprise of 59% of the Canadian flax oil, which is extremely high in comparison to other flaxseed byproducts.
Flax is also extremely rich in fiber, which helps to ease your bowel movements and literally clean your insides and remove all kinds of built up toxins and other harmful elements.
You should be careful not to take flax seed if you suffer from any kind of intestinal obstruction however, as this will be very detrimental to your health.
All in all, Canadian flax has been proven time and time again in many studies to be extremely beneficial for your health.
If you're still wondering if this is truly a worthwhile supplement to take, I would recommend that you at least give it a try and see at the end of a few months how good it is for your health.