How to Put Chevy Hei Distributor in
- 1). Unplug the wires from the distributor if one is installed. Remove the spark plug from the number one cylinder. Place a thumb over the spark plug hole. Locate the zero-degree line found on the harmonic balancer. Have a helper bump the starter slightly and crank the engine in little spurts until compression is felt in the cylinder. Continue bumping starter until the zero-degree line on the balancer aligns with the timing tab mounted on the timing chain cover.
- 2). Remove the spark plug wires and distributor cap from the old distributor. Snap a photo of the old distributor with the cap off. Take note of the direction the rotor button is pointing and the direction of the vacuum advance unit with the timing marks perfectly aligned. Place a mark on the distributor housing that aligns with the position of the rotor button pointer.
- 3). Loosen and slide back the distributor hold down clamp located at the base of the distributor shaft. Lift the old distributor straight up, out of the engine.
- 4). Start the HEI distributor into the intake, but don't lower it far enough to contact the cam gear. Position the vacuum advance mechanism in the same relative area as was the old one. Aim the rotor button on the HEI distributor at the number one spark plug. Lower the distributor further until the distributor falls all the way down and seats without a gap between the distributor shaft flange and the intake. Slide the distributor hold down clamp forward and tighten it slightly.
- 5). Plug in the distributor. Install the distributor cap and replace the spark plug wires. Begin by inserting the spark plug wire into the wire socket that corresponds with the pointer on the rotor button which should be aim at cylinder one. proceed clockwise installing the wires in the following order order: 1, 8, 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 2. Remember the cylinder head on the driver's side contain cylinders 1, 3, 5, 7, from the front of the vehicle back and the other cylinder head contain cylinders 2, 4, 6, 8 from the front to the back.
- 6). The distributor timing should be within a range that the engine will start and run. Let the engine warm up to operating temperatures. Attach a timing light and time the engine to the vehicle's engine specifications.