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How to Create an FPS in Studio

    • 1). Open Game Studio, and select "File." Choose "New Project." Save your project with the name of your FPS.

    • 2). Right-click on the viewer screen, and select "Add." Choose a terrain to add -- either from Game Studio's premade options or one you have made yourself.

    • 3). Right-click the viewer screen again, and select "Add." This time, add a model to your terrain. Use either premade models from Game Studio or your own.

    • 4). Click "File" and choose "Map Properties." Click the template icon that looks like a full folder. Select shooter_template. This loads all the properties and tools for a first-person shooter.

    • 5). Click "File" again, and select "Project Manager." Click the "Add" button, and select "First-person camera" from the drop-down menu. Press "Add Script" to add this camera view for the player -- the essential view of first-person shooters.

    • 6). Right-click on the model you added earlier to the viewer. Choose "Behavior." Select behaviors to add to your character, such as walking, jumping and picking up items.

    • 7). Press the red "Compile" icon in the menu bar to compile your FPS. This automatically launches a test version of the game, so that you can play what you've made so far. Add more assets to the game, to make it more complex and fun to play.

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