Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Every Friday Morning at the Pentagon

I usually try and talk about some type of business idea to help my fellow business owners and professional service providers.
But today I would like to honor some very special people and tell you of a little known ceremony that takes place at the Pentagon every Friday morning.
In fact, it has been happening every Friday morning for the last four years.
I have been to the Pentagon many times to give presentations, do research, or give instruction.
It is an imposing structure, and as with all government offices in DC, it is in a constant state of change.
One of those changes is the new Army hallway that connects the outer E ring to the inner A ring.
It is brightly lit and lined with some of the top Army offices.
It is also the gathering place for hundreds of officers, sergeants and a few civilians every Friday morning.
It starts around 1030 hours.
The first of them arrive and begin the journey to A ring.
Some are in wheel chairs, parts of their bodies left in far away war zones.
Some struggle to make their own way down the hallway.
All are applauded.
Eyes meet, gazes are exchanged, and knowing glances of respect are seen everywhere.
The vast majority of the greeters now have combat experience as do all of the attendees.
This is to pay their respects to those who gave some, and to remember those who gave all.
The clapping is continual and lasts until 1100 hours.
Each man is helped by a field grade officer as needed, and most also bring their families.
There is a private lunch hosted by general officers for these 30 soldiers.
What actually goes on in the lunch is not for public dissemination.
It is a private matter between the generals and the soldiers with their families.
Those who have never been in combat can never share a bond with those who have.
To hear how just a few good people are trying to make a difference in these veterans lives is truly heartwarming.
Have you made a difference in someone's life today?

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