Law & Legal & Attorney Military

How to Find People Who Were Drafted for World War I

    • 1). Use the World War I draft registration cards recorded on This website includes a database that allows you to search for records of World War I draftees by using their name, date of birth, the name of the area they lived in or any other keywords. The database will show records pertaining to those men.

    • 2). Use the search database on the National Archives' website. This will let you look up the draft registration cards for men who were drafted into the armed forces during World War I. You can search through the draft cards for "notable personalities" listed on the website or provide your own information to complete the search.

    • 3). Use the Historical Records database on your state's official website. For general information about World War I draftees, each state has a database that allows you to search for records pertaining to draftees in the state. For information about a specific man, use the Historical Records database for the state he lived in.

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