Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Securing your Home with Grage Doors

Garage doors are supposed to serve as an entry and exit for your car, but they can also double up as security to fortify the safety of your home, or of your factory, but only when used correctly. Neglectful or incorrect use can result in creating a weakness in your security, therefore it is very important to take note. Garage doors can not only serve as a vulnerability for a break in, but they can also provide great shelter for criminals once they are inside.

Originally automatic garage doors all used the same code to open them, which is a great security risk considering that remotes could be used generically to open multiple doors. The next generation had added safety features such as unique code settings, but most owners didn't make use of this. New items like code grabbers would also allow thieves access to your unique code, and again using a generic opener, they could gain full access to your home/office/factory.

The newer openers have upgraded to much more secure systems, they work by changing the code each time the remote is pushed, practically eliminating the chances of your code being grabbed.

Automated garage doors cannot be pried open by hand from the outside, they are locked into place. If you have an older automatic system, it is best to upgrade to something newer to ensure that your home really is sealed off from unauthorized visitors.

This is the base of all of your garage door security, to add to this, also remember to take your remote out of your car every day. Make sure that not just anyone can pick it up and use it. A great idea for safety and convenience is to keep the remote attached to your keys, that way it stays with you.

If there is a door leading from the garage into your house, ensure that is properly secured and locked. All entrances into the house should be treated as a front door. All doors should be fitted with security gates as extra precautions.

Ensure that your garage doors are closed when during the day and at night. Don't advertise vulnerability to every passer-by on the street.

Remember to maintain the functionality of your garage doors by getting regular services by a trained professional. Always call someone who has a professional knowledge of this system as the springs are under enormous pressure and can lead to very serious injury and even death if something goes wrong.

Stay safe and keep your home secured this season so that you may relax and have a wonderful break.

Visit us at here for professional advice or service on any roller doors.

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