How to Recaulk the Pool Coping
- 1). Remove old caulking from between the pool coping tiles. Be careful not to damage the tiles as you scrape out the old caulking with a knife. Use a stiff brush to finish removing all the debris between each one of the tiles.
- 2). Scrub the surface of the tiles with a few drops of dish detergent mixed with water. Rinse well. If old caulking still remains, or if any foreign matter is adhering to the tiles, remove it with a single-edge razor blade. Re-rinse to remove the debris. Allow the tiles to dry.
- 3). Insert backer rod into the joints. This acts as a cushion and you don't need to use as much caulk.
- 4). Apply masking tape along the edges of each tile on the pool coping. Caulk each joint with pool caulking material. Some products allow you to apply them with a caulk gun, while others require you to apply them with a spatula. Smooth the caulking in place. Allow it to skim over for at least 48 hours before removing the masking tape. Caulking typically takes three to seven days to completely dry.