Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

What Should Be Considered For Buying A Tankless Water Heater

Compared to the traditional tanked heater, tankless water heater is Green. A tankless water heater heats up the water only when it is turned on, unlike traditional water heaters that keep the water in their tanks constantly hot, needlessly wasting energy. If you decide to buy a tankless water heater for your home, here are some tips to help you make the right choice.

Will you use gas or electricity?

Usually, a tankless water heater is powered by either gas or electricity.

If you choose to go with electric water heaters then you need to know the available voltage in your home, and if your circuit breaker can accommodate the heat that the water heater will generate. The tankless water heater will connect directly to the circuit breaker. If you like the gas tankless heaters, you need to choose what fuel you will use, whether it is propane or natural gas. You also need to consider the venting requirements for the gas tankless heater you choose.

What is your local climate?

Where you live also plays a vital role in choosing a tankless water heater. It will affect how much hot water the tankless heater can produce. If you live up to the north, the water coming into your home will be colder than when you are living down to the south where the climate is much warmer. You need to know if the tankless heater you buy will be able to heat the water fast enough to give you the amount of hot water that you need.

How much hot water you will need?

You should know How much hot water you will need. If you live in a small space with a single bathroom and you do not really need hot water in the kitchen, then consider a small multi-point tankless heater installed in the bathroom. If you live in a large house and you need a lot of hot water, then consider a heavy-duty tankless heater made for a whole-house application.

What support you want to have?

The last thing that you need to consider when buying a tankless water heater is which company do you want to buy it from. Tankless water heater is a relatively new technology, it is best if you buy the one that offers installation services for the water heating unit. It is risky to trust an independent contractor who does not have much experience of the installation.

Compared to the traditional tanked heater, the price of a tankless water heater is relatively expensive. The starting price for a basic unit is about five hundreds dollars. Depends on your requirements, the price could be more than one thousand. You do not want to waste too much money on a water heater that does not satisfy your requirements, so it is better that you know which type of tankless heater you need before making the decision.

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