Top 10 Menopause Symptoms
Recent research regarding the inquiries into menopause symptoms has revealed what the Top 10 subjects are that women want to read about online.
Some of these articles have been viewed up to 5,000 times.
The Top 10 women's health issues summarized below give you an idea of the problem as well as the solution, both medical and alternative.
Of course, it's always wise to consult a doctor first before trying anything on your own.
Here's the Top 10 Things Women Want to Read About Regarding Menopause 1.
Water Retention Possible Cause(s): Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body, may include bloating.
Weakened adrenals, kidneys, circulatory system or perhaps the heart.
Solution(s): Reduce salt intake.
Get daily exercise.
Dandelion tincture, Dong Quai.
Eat foods including asparagus, corn, cucumber, grapes, watermelon (avoid black tea and coffee).
Use essential oils such as cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender and rosemary.
Dizziness Possible Cause(s): Spinning sensation inside your head that may cause you to feel nauseous or faint and have to sit down; or just leave you feeling imbalanced and not at peace.
Can be caused by anxiety, migraines, panic attacks, changes in blood pressure, low blood sugar, and viral infections.
Solution(s): Estrogen and progesterone supplementation.
Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
Do deep breathing exercises (take a yoga or tai chi class).
Drink more water, less caffeine and avoid sugar if you can.
Fatigue, Mental & Physical Possible Cause(s): Levels of energy drop significantly including falling asleep during the day, Unable to concentrate for any length of time.
Causes can be Chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroidism, as well as hormone imbalances.
Solution(s): Avoid caffeine, smoking and alcohol.
Use herbs including sarsaparilla, wild yam root.
Walk in the sun (Vitamin D).
If you think you have CFS or thyroid problems, see a doctor.
Anxiety Possible Cause(s): Panic attacks, hyperventilating, energy flushes, burning in the chest, unusual vibrations in the body, warm to hot flashes, emotional issues due to changes in mid-life including physical aging, divorce, the empty nest syndrome and caring for aging parents.
Realizing that you've been covering up negative emotions for years.
Other causes include changes in hormone levels and lack of coping skills.
Solution(s): Deep breathing, yoga and tai chi classes.
Decreased estrogen levels can also cause depression, try natural estrogen and progesterone supplements.
Psychological Therapy Sleep and Exercise.
Avoid caffeine.
Ask your doctor about taking antidepressants.
Indigestion & Bloating Possible Cause(s): Gastrointestinal distress such as indigestion, flatulence and sudden bloating.
Causes can include improper digestion, sugar and lactose intolerance and decreased hormone levels.
Solution(s): Don't eat too much protein or soy at one meal.
Use Beano and Enzymes, as well Colloidal minerals and herbs such as peppermint, raspberry, dandelion, lemon balm, nettles and green oat straw tea.
Don quai, estrogen & progesterone supplements are also helpful.
Mood Swings Possible Cause(s): General feelings of irritability, rage, concentrated anxiety, depression, indifference as well as nervousness and a feeling or worthlessness.
Causes include fluctuating hormone levels most notably a drop in progesterone and estrogen levels as well as changes in serotonin levels in the brain.
Solution(s): Daily exercise Meditation, deep breathing and yoga.
Supplement estrogen & progesterone.
Join a social support group.
Diet changes including no stimulants such as caffeine or soda.
Use calming herbs that also increase serotonin levels such as passionflower and chamomile, 5HTP, tryptophan, multivitamin and minerals.
Yeast Infections Possible Cause(s): Vaginal infections that can itch and burn inside and out, inflammation, painful intercourse, frequent urination, thick, white discharge.
Causes include an overgrowth of candida albicans which is a fungus often brought on by consuming yeast, excess bathing and tight clothing.
HRT also causes higher levels of estrogen which can trigger yeast infections.
Solution(s): Over the counter medication in the form of creams and suppositories (see your doctor first to be sure what kind of infection you have and to rule out STDs).
Tea Tree Oil.
Use Safeguard soap to dry out vaginal area.
Cotton panties.
Avoid douching.
Avoid sex if possible or use water-soluble lubricating jells.
Hair Loss Possible Cause(s): Loss of hair all over but especially head, also thinning of hair and bald spots.
Can be caused by stress, hormonal changes, thyroid abnormalities, medications including blood thinners and chemotherapy and diseases such as diabetes and lupus.
Solution(s): Minoxidil (Rogaine), Finasteride (Propecia), Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy such as Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood.
Anger Possible Cause(s): From mild annoyance to full out rage, if there is something you haven't dealt with in your life, it's going to revisit you during menopause.
Causes include unexpressed emotions, inability to cope with daily life, as well as fluctuating hormone levels.
Solution(s): Daily exercise.
Boost serotonin levels.
Supplement progesterone and estrogen.
Eat diet rich in protein, especially Omega-3 fatty acids.
Reduce intake of sugar and caffeine.
Take the amino acid tryptophan, relaxant DLPA, FABA, Tyrosene 10.
Loss of Libido Possible Cause(s): Diminished sex drive or absence, vaginal dryness.
Causes include loss of hormones including progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.
Solution(s): Supplement progesterone, estrogen and testosterone (research the different forms including HRT including pellets, injections, pills etc.
as well as natural creams derived from plants including bio-identical hormones).
Prescription and OTC lubricants, creams and gels.
Some of these articles have been viewed up to 5,000 times.
The Top 10 women's health issues summarized below give you an idea of the problem as well as the solution, both medical and alternative.
Of course, it's always wise to consult a doctor first before trying anything on your own.
Here's the Top 10 Things Women Want to Read About Regarding Menopause 1.
Water Retention Possible Cause(s): Excessive accumulation of fluid in the body, may include bloating.
Weakened adrenals, kidneys, circulatory system or perhaps the heart.
Solution(s): Reduce salt intake.
Get daily exercise.
Dandelion tincture, Dong Quai.
Eat foods including asparagus, corn, cucumber, grapes, watermelon (avoid black tea and coffee).
Use essential oils such as cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender and rosemary.
Dizziness Possible Cause(s): Spinning sensation inside your head that may cause you to feel nauseous or faint and have to sit down; or just leave you feeling imbalanced and not at peace.
Can be caused by anxiety, migraines, panic attacks, changes in blood pressure, low blood sugar, and viral infections.
Solution(s): Estrogen and progesterone supplementation.
Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
Do deep breathing exercises (take a yoga or tai chi class).
Drink more water, less caffeine and avoid sugar if you can.
Fatigue, Mental & Physical Possible Cause(s): Levels of energy drop significantly including falling asleep during the day, Unable to concentrate for any length of time.
Causes can be Chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroidism, as well as hormone imbalances.
Solution(s): Avoid caffeine, smoking and alcohol.
Use herbs including sarsaparilla, wild yam root.
Walk in the sun (Vitamin D).
If you think you have CFS or thyroid problems, see a doctor.
Anxiety Possible Cause(s): Panic attacks, hyperventilating, energy flushes, burning in the chest, unusual vibrations in the body, warm to hot flashes, emotional issues due to changes in mid-life including physical aging, divorce, the empty nest syndrome and caring for aging parents.
Realizing that you've been covering up negative emotions for years.
Other causes include changes in hormone levels and lack of coping skills.
Solution(s): Deep breathing, yoga and tai chi classes.
Decreased estrogen levels can also cause depression, try natural estrogen and progesterone supplements.
Psychological Therapy Sleep and Exercise.
Avoid caffeine.
Ask your doctor about taking antidepressants.
Indigestion & Bloating Possible Cause(s): Gastrointestinal distress such as indigestion, flatulence and sudden bloating.
Causes can include improper digestion, sugar and lactose intolerance and decreased hormone levels.
Solution(s): Don't eat too much protein or soy at one meal.
Use Beano and Enzymes, as well Colloidal minerals and herbs such as peppermint, raspberry, dandelion, lemon balm, nettles and green oat straw tea.
Don quai, estrogen & progesterone supplements are also helpful.
Mood Swings Possible Cause(s): General feelings of irritability, rage, concentrated anxiety, depression, indifference as well as nervousness and a feeling or worthlessness.
Causes include fluctuating hormone levels most notably a drop in progesterone and estrogen levels as well as changes in serotonin levels in the brain.
Solution(s): Daily exercise Meditation, deep breathing and yoga.
Supplement estrogen & progesterone.
Join a social support group.
Diet changes including no stimulants such as caffeine or soda.
Use calming herbs that also increase serotonin levels such as passionflower and chamomile, 5HTP, tryptophan, multivitamin and minerals.
Yeast Infections Possible Cause(s): Vaginal infections that can itch and burn inside and out, inflammation, painful intercourse, frequent urination, thick, white discharge.
Causes include an overgrowth of candida albicans which is a fungus often brought on by consuming yeast, excess bathing and tight clothing.
HRT also causes higher levels of estrogen which can trigger yeast infections.
Solution(s): Over the counter medication in the form of creams and suppositories (see your doctor first to be sure what kind of infection you have and to rule out STDs).
Tea Tree Oil.
Use Safeguard soap to dry out vaginal area.
Cotton panties.
Avoid douching.
Avoid sex if possible or use water-soluble lubricating jells.
Hair Loss Possible Cause(s): Loss of hair all over but especially head, also thinning of hair and bald spots.
Can be caused by stress, hormonal changes, thyroid abnormalities, medications including blood thinners and chemotherapy and diseases such as diabetes and lupus.
Solution(s): Minoxidil (Rogaine), Finasteride (Propecia), Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy such as Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood.
Anger Possible Cause(s): From mild annoyance to full out rage, if there is something you haven't dealt with in your life, it's going to revisit you during menopause.
Causes include unexpressed emotions, inability to cope with daily life, as well as fluctuating hormone levels.
Solution(s): Daily exercise.
Boost serotonin levels.
Supplement progesterone and estrogen.
Eat diet rich in protein, especially Omega-3 fatty acids.
Reduce intake of sugar and caffeine.
Take the amino acid tryptophan, relaxant DLPA, FABA, Tyrosene 10.
Loss of Libido Possible Cause(s): Diminished sex drive or absence, vaginal dryness.
Causes include loss of hormones including progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.
Solution(s): Supplement progesterone, estrogen and testosterone (research the different forms including HRT including pellets, injections, pills etc.
as well as natural creams derived from plants including bio-identical hormones).
Prescription and OTC lubricants, creams and gels.