Health & Medical Children & Kid Health

Why do your baby cry?

Why do your baby cry?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
All babies cry usually. Some babies cry now & then some cry very often. But every baby  has a specific reason for crying. But it is not necessary that everytime baby's mother will understand the specific reason for his/her crying. Some times even mother can't understand the real reason for her baby's crying. As baby can't talk it is become very defficult to realise especially for a new mother why do your baby crying? But it is not as difficult as we think because there is many symbol by which we can understand the real reason of her crying. Usually a baby cry when he/she feels hungry, thirsty, uncomfortable, need to be warm, need to be held, need rest & get afraid of anything. It is some fundamental reasons for baby cring be sides that, sometimes baby cry deu to illness then parents should call doctor & need to take advice.                                                                                

Sometime baby cry when he/she feels hungry:  The most common factor of your baby's cry is hunger. A newborn baby can't express his/her feelings by saying. So  Crying is a baby's way of communicating one of those needs.A baby's small stomach cannot hold very much, so if your baby cries, try offering her some milk, as it may well be that she is hungry. She might not stop crying immediately, but let her keep feeding if she wants to, but don't feed your baby forcefully.                                                                      

Sometime baby cry when he/she feels thirsty: Though a newborn baby feed only milk but after 5 or 6 months your baby will start to drink water.But your baby can't express her/his feeling as they can't say. So if your baby is still crying after feeding it may cause that baby is thirsty.                                                                                                           

Cry for being uncomfortable: Some time it seems that babies will cry if their clothes are too tight or if a soiled nappy is bothering them. Some times tight clothes are causes of rashes which can damage baby's soft skin. It also seems that baby get irritated if their nappies become wet deu to their toilet. Checking your baby's nappy and changing it may meet her needs, so this is always worth trying.

Need to be warm: Some newborns hate having their nappy changed or being bathed - they are not used to the feel of the air on their skin and much prefer to be bundled up and warm. If your baby is like this, you will soon learn how to perform a nappy change quickly so that you can calm her down again. Take care not to overdress your baby though, so that she gets too hot. A good rule to follow is that she needs to wear one more layer of clothing than you do to be comfortable.

Try using a sheet and cotton blankets as her bedding. You can check whether your baby is too hot or too cold by feeling her stomach: if she's too hot, remove a blankets.

Need to be held:  New babies often need close physical contact for comfort. Some parents worry that they will "spoil" their baby if they hold her too much, but during the first few months of life that's impossible. While some babies don't seem to need that much physical contact, others want to be held almost all the time.

Sometimes your baby need rest: We often notice that some  baby cry more than they usually do if relatives or come to stay their home. It is just because of baby gets irritated if he/she gets a lot of attention or crowdy noise. On the other hand if you take your baby for outing she may fall asleep because it hard for her to cope up with jouney. So parents should understand that your baby need sufficient rest.                                                                                                                                                 

Sometime get afraid:  Babies are usually get afraid of such things like loud noise, some particular things even some particular people too. It is a basic reponsibility of parents to stay away their babies out of this situation. Pleasent atmosphere make your baby happy & healthy.                                                                                           

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