Health & Medical Women's Health

Stop Trying to Cure Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms!

Blast! Your privates are swollen, feel like they are on fire and lets not even talk about that discharge! There are no words to fully describe the sheer hell that your Candida is putting you through right now.
If you have that deep itch in your privates - including around your anus, the discharge that looks a little like cottage cheese, a burning feeling when you pee, a rash or have painfully swollen privates then you will be getting incredibly desperate to find something that will cure vaginal yeast infection symptoms quickly For many of you this will not be your first experience with Candida and the following list of 'cure vaginal yeast infection' remedies will seem very familiar.
  • Common OTC medications like Nystatin, Monistat, Femstat and Canestan.
  • Then there are all the natural remedies ranging from colloidal silver, cinnamon and garlic to Tea Tree Oil, vinegar and yogurt.
Assuming that you followed all the instructions properly and you kept treating your infection until well after the symptoms had cleared up you should not have another infection.
So how come you are suffering again? How do we cure vaginal yeast infection symptoms for good? Unfortunately the answer is that we don't.
Simple as that.
Like most problems in life, we need to find out what the cause of our problem is and treat that.
If we keep trying to treat the symptoms then we are just throwing our money time and effort away and setting ourselves up for more pain.
Why shouldn't I keep trying to cure vaginal yeast infection symptoms? That is actually a really good question.
So what is wrong with trying to cure vaginal yeast infection symptoms over and over again? By ignoring the cause of your infection and just concentrating on trying to cure vaginal yeast infection symptoms, you give the fungi a chance to spread.
Unfortunately from the vagina it is easy for the fungus to move internally, causing Urinary Tract Infections, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and even chronic Systemic Candida..
What causes a vaginal yeast infection? In a healthy person their immune system is able to control the Candida and can quickly shut down any overgrowth that happens.
If you get the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, then this means that your immune system is not working properly.
If you really want to get rid of your infection for good, then you have to do three things,
  1. get relief from your symptoms,
  2. kill the Candida and
  3. find out what was wrong with your immune system and fix that so you do not have to deal with this again!
If your symptoms are driving you mad and you need to do something about them right now, then here are a couple of suggestions that will give you relief almost immediately.
  • Cider Vinegar; 1 cup in the bath or soak a tampon with it and insert.
  • Colloidal Silver; spray or dab it onto the site, you can also take a tablespoon three times a day to help clear out the urinary tract.
  • Tea Tree Oil; dilute a few drops on a bath or put 1 drop in a liter of water and dab onto the affected areas.
  • Yogurt; apart from eating it, you can apply yogurt directly to the area or insert a yogurt covered tampon - just make sure that the yogurt is sugar free and preferably organic.
These are just quick remedies that will let you get on with your life while you are getting the overgrowth back under control and reclaiming your health.
It may seem like hard work, but imagine not having to go through yet another round of trying to cure vaginal yeast infection symptoms! How great would that be?

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