How to Shave ATV Fenders
- 1). Clean the bike thoroughly. Remove all the dirt and filth with a pressure nozzle. Apply cleaning solution and rinse again. Get the bike out into the sunlight and dry it thoroughly with rags.
- 2). Make your mark. Measure the fenders and make a template using the butcher's paper. Using the highlighter, draw the lines on the fenders where you want to cut. This isn't a perfect process, so you'll have to check and recheck that both sides match up properly. Once you have the lines drawn, apply electrical tape to the lines. Take your time, and make sure that the tape follows the contours of the fender, and that both sides match.
- 3). Cut the fender. Put on your safety glasses and dust mask, and cut slowly along the electrical tape with the jigsaw. Do your best to cut away the majority of the unwanted plastic, then go back and clean it up. Pass over it two to three times. Be sure that you are cautious and don't get sloppy---you don't want to ruin your fenders.
- 4). Clean up the edge. Once you have a smooth cut, go over the edges with a rough-grit sandpaper to get rid of any imperfections. Once the edge is smooth, give it a once-over with fine-grit sandpaper.
- 5). Apply the finishing touch. While sanding, you will start to see white shavings or build-up forming along the edges. Most of these shavings can be wiped away with a rag. As a final touch, run a lighter along the edge of your cut. This will get rid of the remaining stubborn plastic shavings and give your ATV a nice finished look.