Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

The Truth About Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

What does gynecomastia represent? This is the question of men. Unfortunately, a lot of men between 18 to 40 know the answer to this question.

Gynecomastia is the phenomenon of enlargement of breast tissues in males. A lot of them face this problem in puberty, but this is not a law. Gynecomastia can appear to adults too. The main cause is a metabolic disorder, which leads to decrease of production of testosterone in male's organism.

A half of the male population is affected by this problem. Some of them are trying to solve it through physical exercises, drastic diets etc., but unfortunately gynecomastia is a hormonal problem, which, in the most cases, can be treated only through surgery.

Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction is a medical procedure, performed on men with such conditions, which results in a firmer and flatter chest with a masculine loOK. During the procedure, the extra breast tissue is surgically removed. It is a two-hour procedure, with visible results.

Are you asking yourself if you can be a candidate? Well, the answer is yes, if:

You have man boobs and you avoid taking off your shirt;
You are healthy and emotionally stable, so you'll be able to face a surgical procedure;
You don't have a satisfying sexual life;
You want to be a normal man, with normal breasts, who enjoys his life.
Do you accomplish these conditions? If Yes, then you have to be interested more now about this procedure.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

The Gynecomastia cost is dependent on more factors. Some of them are: location where you choose to perform it, the purpose of the surgery and the experience of the surgeon you choose. I know, you are still confused about these 3 factors I've just told you. Well, let's make it clear.


In different places of the world the gynecomastia cost is different. I guess this fact is not a new one for you. The average price is $3400. In Los Vegas, for example, you can spend over $4600 on such a surgery. In New York City, one of the biggest city of the world, with the best surgeons, you should be prepared to spend even more. Chicago is considered to have lower prices about this, than in other places.

The purpose of the surgery:

I know what are you thinking now: What other purpose can I have than to reduce my man boobs and to have a normal male breast? And you are right. But you need to know that if your problem has a medical reason, the price can be covered by some insurance policies. So, be sure you consult your insurance company before making the surgery. You can obtain some facilities. But you need to know that these cases are rare and in most of the cases the patients have to give the money for the surgery from their pocket.

The surgeon experience:

Sure, an experienced surgeon, with a higher qualification, will cost you more than a beginner. But I always say that quality costs. You can't afford yourself to save money on your health! It's better to pay more, but to be sure everything will be OK, than to pay less and to be always concerned about the result. The choice is always yours, but please, think twice before doing something. Don't let the money to decide your future life. An important point you need to know here is that many plastic surgeons offer different financing options, making the gynecomastia surgery cost affordable, just discuss with your surgeon about this.

SO, you have just read about the male breast reduction and all you need to know about its costs. I would like to add that a gynecomastia surgery is an important step in a male's life, that's why you need to treat is serious. Get a qualitative information, then a qualitative breast reduction surgery and after all these, just live a normal life and think about your courage that determined you to make a perfect change for your future.

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