Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

What Is Glaucoma Testing and Is It Real Serious?

The essential need for glaucoma testing:

Glaucoma testing is an essential basic eye test that can prevent blindness. Medical world statistics declare glaucoma to be the number one cause of irreversible blindness. Glaucoma has an insidious onset, with no discernable symptoms almost until too late by which time vision loss has already occurred. So long glaucoma remains undetected and hence untreated, over time, gradually, complete blindness sets in. Early detection with glaucoma testing is essential as disease control is the first and best line of treatment.

Glaucoma & symptoms:

Glaucoma develops mainly due to fluid build-up which exerts extra pressure on the optic nerve. This damages the nerve and causes other changes in the eye. Various forms of glaucoma can occur - the most common being open angle glaucoma. Glaucoma has no obvious symptoms. During early stages, people lose peripheral vision, missing objects at their side and corner vision until they feel like seeing through a tunnel and subsequently this is also lost.

Who are at risk?
Anyone can develop glaucoma but some are at increased risk like people with:
1. Age factor - above 60 years
2. African descent
3. Family history of glaucoma
4. Use of steroid in eye-drops/inhalers
5. Diabetes
6. High blood-pressure
7. Previous injury/surgery

Some may have congenital glaucoma. People with above risk factors need to have glaucoma testing at least once in two years from the age of forty or even earlier.

What is glaucoma testing?

Comprehensive testing comprises five tests:
1. Tonometry - inner eye pressure check
2. Ophthalmoscopy - anatomy of the optic nerve
3. Perimetry - complete vision field mapping
4. Gonioscopy - the iris-cornea drainage angle exam
5. Pachymetry - thickness of the cornea

But initially the first two tests - tonometry and ophthalmoscopy - are used to check the inner eye pressure and the color and shape of the optic nerve. If one of these two shows abnormal results, glaucoma is suspected and further tests are conducted to confirm the diagnosis.

Why need glaucoma testing?

Glaucoma has no cure. Vision once lost due to glaucoma cannot be brought back. Also there is no way to prevent glaucoma. Level of optic nerve pressure varies from person to person. Higher than normal pressure need not mean glaucoma. That is why glaucoma testing is imperative to identify presence of glaucoma. With early detection, glaucoma can be controlled and kept in check. A full-range of glaucoma testing can determine whether your inner eye pressure is normal and rule out glaucoma development in your eyes.

Why a plethora of tests?

Glaucoma detection has never been easy. High eye pressure, thin cornea and optic nerve abnormalities determine the extent of disease present. Checking the optic nerve anatomy and evaluating the pressure on optic nerve is the most crucial part of the diagnosis and treatment plan. Likewise establishing extent of vision field loss is very important. Early detection and immediate treatment after testing can delay the progress of the disease and protect remaining vision.
Reach for the best in eye-care

Rule out any chance of losing vision and go for testing at reputable centers where a team of well-informed and highly competent professionals will be ready to help you.

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