Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Acid Reflux Food to Avoid - Learn How to Prevent Acid Reflux

If you are one of the many people that suffer from acid reflux disease, you probably know already that the symptoms of this disease are caused by the type of food you eat.
Some foods will cause more acid to be made inside the stomach, which means that heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms will be more painful, intense and unpleasant.
Before starting to talk about what acid reflux food to avoid, you should know that not everyone behaves the same when he/she has this disease.
The same condition can behave one way for a person, and in another way for other people.
That's why the foods that need to be avoided aren't the same in all cases.
You can experiment a bit with different foods, to see which is the best diet in your case.
If you choose to experiment, you should test a lot of different foods, and find out through trial and error which are the ones that don't trigger the acid reflux, and which do.
Even though I said before that foods have different effects, depending on the people eating them, some foods will always be safe, and other will always be unsafe.
In most cases, you can safely eat vegetables, fresh fruits, bread, beans or cereals.
Those that aren't safe include lemon, orange juice, citric fruits, grapefruit, lime or cranberries, as they will provoke the acid reflux.
A lot of people think that they can't get acid reflux from drinking milk, but they are wrong.
Milk and most dairy foods are in the category of foods that should be avoided by people with acid reflux.
Other products that should be avoided or reduced in quantity are greasy or fatty foods, especially those that originate from animals.
Alcohol, soft drinks, mints, chocolate or mint flavored foods are also on the list of drinks and foods that should be consumed in moderation if you suffer from acid reflux.
If you tried a lot of different drinks and foods and you can't get rid of the acid reflux symptoms, you should try talking with a doctor.
In some cases he will be able to prescribe you some drugs that will help with your condition.
If your case is severe, you can resort to surgery as a last resort.
The surgery strengthens the muscle which blocks the acid from the stomach.

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