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Tips to Get a Definitive Test to Prove Parenthood

There are occasions, like it or not, when the parentage of a child is questioned.
If this ever happens then the only bona fide way to ascertain the true father of the child is a DNA test.
A Paternity test is used in several types of cases but the usual time when this comes into play is when there is a case for paying child support or something to do with divorce cases.
These are trying times for sure and the demand to have a child confirmed is often the result of some contentious issue.
Tempers flare and accusations start to fly and this kind of procedure is the only definitive way to confirm who the actual father is.
But it is not only in this kind of case where parentage is in question.
Murder and kidnap cases will also attract this kind of intervention to establish the lineage of the person.
Bodies that have been found after many years are unrecognizable for sure so the scientists have to consider another way of identifying that person.
Then they also have to be linked to other family members to confirm their lineage.
In cases of kidnap where the child has grown up while being in the keeping of the kidnapper, parents will often say that they would know the child anywhere but the police have to be sure that another crime is not about to be committed.
Taking evaluations from all concerned is really the only way to be sure so it is a good thing that these kinds of evaluations are available.
Again, whenever there is a death in the family, particularly if that family is wealthy, some people come with a trick that states that a child belongs to the deceased.
No one was aware of the child so the interloper wants a cut of the family fortune.
In these cases the evaluation is a way of proving or disproving that the man in question fathered another child outside the usual family group.
The evaluation could not be simpler really.
A swab is taken from the inside of the mouth of the person claiming the parentage.
Then a similar swab is taken from the mouth of the one who is being accused.
When these are matched scientifically they should show if the second party is connected to the first or not.
In the case of involuntary evaluations, hair follicles or some other kind of blood or bodily fluid is taken, perhaps surreptitiously in some cases, for the evaluation to take place.
Either way, the results will still be the same and everyone will then know for sure just what has been going on.
Lastly, in some cases these evaluations are done by court order.
Anyone has a right to refuse the evaluation of course, but if a court orders it then there is no choice at all.
Men have been known to try to get out of paying alimony on the grounds that the child was not fathered by them and then the court gets involved.

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