Home & Garden Architecture

What Is Quarry Tile?


    • Quarry tile, by definition, is an unglazed ceramic tile. It is available in various tones, colors and sizes.


    • Quarry tile is composed of natural clay or shale. The products are crushed, squeezed and pressed into tile shape and then fired, which changes the chemical composition and hardens the tile.


    • Quarry tile provides resistance to slipping, abrasions, scratching and chipping. Since it is unstained, it only comes in natural colors. It is easily susceptible to stains, so it is best to apply a penetrating sealer.


    • As an unstained product, there are fewer costs involved in the production of quarry tiles than for many other tiles. It is one of the most inexpensive ceramic tiles available.


    • Because of its cheap cost, quarry tile is used often in large buildings for floors and patios. The tiles are very common for outside floors around restaurants and other commercial locations.

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