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3 Hot Ways To Drive A Horde Of Visitors Traffic To Your Site

Driving traffic to your website or sales page is vital to success in internet marketing for it is the visits that convert to sales.

In this article, I will enumerate three ways you can easily drive tons of traffic to your site.

1.    Have an army of affiliates

Which is easier? You marketing your product all by yourself or having an army of affiliates selling for you. Just a fraction of their collective efforts may be far more than all yours.

Paul Getty Jnr once said that 1% of the efforts of a 100 persons is greater than 100% of your own effort.

Get an army of affiliates to drive traffic to your product. Remember that though you are sharing revenue with them, there may be lots of products within the e-book for which they earn no commission from.

You can also earn considerable income from the list generated from their marketing efforts. It's viral marketing at its best.

To get an army affiliates, register at sites such as clickbank or paydotcom. Provide the needed affiliates tools and advertise for affiliates by offering generous commissions.

You also have the added advantage of some super affiliate marketers who can promote your product to their huge list going into the tens of thousands.

So if you have an ebook, start recruiting affiliates today. 

If you have not written a book or find it difficult to- then take this simple step:

Simply get PLR articles on the subject you want to write on, tweak a bit, compile together and create an e-book or report. It's done. Within 24hours, you may be ready to go! Alternatively, you can hire a ghost writer.

Whatever e-book or product you create, ensure it is quality stuff.

2.    Joint ventures.

This is another sure-fire way of driving traffic to your site in no time.

Many merchants and authors who have written books have used this method to earn thousands of dollars within days upon release of their e-books. It is the first line method used by many experienced marketers before releasing the product to the general online public to market.

This simply involves you contacting someone with list. Imagine contacting a list owner with over 20,000 subscribers or even more for a joint venture. If only 2% of the list converts and you are selling a $27 e-book, giving away 50% commission, you'll earn $5,400 in no time. Some list owners have over 200,000 subscribers on their list. The earning potential in a short time is limitless.

3.    Contact e-zine owners. Many of these ezines have thousands of readers on their list. This method can almost be as effective as joint venture marketing. It in reality another type of joint venture.  It is best you target an e-zine in the category you are marketing to. Search out e-zine owners with large list and strike a good deal with them.

Once they send out their mailing with your product, you are bound to see the money roll in.

Apply the above three methods today and you will drive traffic to your site in record time.

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