Transitioning to Green Business
The biggest trend right now in business is going green- both a benefit to the environment and the budget, this trend is one that is showing no signs of stopping any time soon.
This transition leaves many business owners a little stymied as to how to make the change without hurting their bottom line, but it is a vital change that in order to keep up with the trend, needs to be made.
This isn't just impacting those who own restaurants either- this trend stretches out over any business, but those who prepare food are also feeling the pinch of economic stresses, coupled with the pressures of needing a better way of doing things.
Being able to combine a more Eco friendly way of doing things, with a better quality service, as well as keeping to a budget does not have to be as difficult as it may seem on the outset.
Some businesses have begun to sell reusable bags for shopping, others offer organic variations of the foods they serve, and others still yet are active in their communities- offering everything from recycling their own wastes to adopting stretches of roads for cleanup.
But there is one often overlooked way to change the way you do business to a more environmentally conscious one, save money, time and even improve the safety of your staff.
If you knew that it was as simple as a phone call to green your routine, would you do it? That's just what many have done.
One area where improvements can be made to green up your routine that is often overlooked is the cooking oil.
That's right, that bubbling, boiling fryer can bring about a more socially acceptable impression to the public, save you money and make a powerful impact on the environment.
Victor Clewes has known this for some time.
Heading up an internationally known and recognized leader in environmentally friendly waste oil recycling and disposal, he offers this look at the benefits of recycling and reusing the cooking oil you're already using in your line of work.
"The price of cooking oil, as a commodity, has sky-rocketed in the last year and the need for efficient operations has never been greater," says Clewes, "Filtering and re-using cooking oil reduces oil purchases.
Reduced oil purchases result in cost and waste savings.
Then, when the oil can no longer be used for cooking, it becomes bio-fuel.
Nothing is wasted.
It's used in the food we eat, then in the cars we drive.
It becomes a net positive for the environment as well as a restaurant's bottom line.
" This isn't exclusive to those who are more environmentally conscious and already running a sort of green business- oh, no, many restaurants, hospitals, and basically anywhere that serves food and has good sense towards being able to lower their budget have adopted this greener way of doing things.
It's easy to see just how not having to replace oil would have a big impact- being able to bring in someone to recycle the oil is more important than ever.
This transition leaves many business owners a little stymied as to how to make the change without hurting their bottom line, but it is a vital change that in order to keep up with the trend, needs to be made.
This isn't just impacting those who own restaurants either- this trend stretches out over any business, but those who prepare food are also feeling the pinch of economic stresses, coupled with the pressures of needing a better way of doing things.
Being able to combine a more Eco friendly way of doing things, with a better quality service, as well as keeping to a budget does not have to be as difficult as it may seem on the outset.
Some businesses have begun to sell reusable bags for shopping, others offer organic variations of the foods they serve, and others still yet are active in their communities- offering everything from recycling their own wastes to adopting stretches of roads for cleanup.
But there is one often overlooked way to change the way you do business to a more environmentally conscious one, save money, time and even improve the safety of your staff.
If you knew that it was as simple as a phone call to green your routine, would you do it? That's just what many have done.
One area where improvements can be made to green up your routine that is often overlooked is the cooking oil.
That's right, that bubbling, boiling fryer can bring about a more socially acceptable impression to the public, save you money and make a powerful impact on the environment.
Victor Clewes has known this for some time.
Heading up an internationally known and recognized leader in environmentally friendly waste oil recycling and disposal, he offers this look at the benefits of recycling and reusing the cooking oil you're already using in your line of work.
"The price of cooking oil, as a commodity, has sky-rocketed in the last year and the need for efficient operations has never been greater," says Clewes, "Filtering and re-using cooking oil reduces oil purchases.
Reduced oil purchases result in cost and waste savings.
Then, when the oil can no longer be used for cooking, it becomes bio-fuel.
Nothing is wasted.
It's used in the food we eat, then in the cars we drive.
It becomes a net positive for the environment as well as a restaurant's bottom line.
" This isn't exclusive to those who are more environmentally conscious and already running a sort of green business- oh, no, many restaurants, hospitals, and basically anywhere that serves food and has good sense towards being able to lower their budget have adopted this greener way of doing things.
It's easy to see just how not having to replace oil would have a big impact- being able to bring in someone to recycle the oil is more important than ever.