Society & Culture & Entertainment History

Electorate Broadened to include the Metics

Ecclesia originated in ancient Greece from 11 before the 9th century BC. Assembled by the king or council, all adult males (or all war fighters) to take part, discuss and make decisions on the major issues or major country's problem. They usually vote by hand. When the City-state is established, the Greek city-states always have established such meeting. Citizens Assembly said in Athens, male citizens over 20 years of age are entitled to take part in any discussion. From 500 A committee meeting is assembled each year divided into 10 where each held a meeting (later increased to 4 times), to discuss and solve major national problems such as war and make peace, the city food supply, the election senior officials, and Court of Final Appeal proceedings among others. It sounds great but some people can't join. That's us. We are metic I am not born in Athens but I am living here. I am one of 10,111 foreigners who live in Athens. We pay annual tax. But we cannot buy real estate nor attend the session of the assembly. I don't know why we can't join. We live in here. We pay tax. Everyone was born with the right to vote. And now I want to let you guys knows why we need to electorate broadened to include slaves (or metics) who fought against thirty oppressors (O'Donnell 138).

First of all, why we can't vote, maybe you guys will say that you were not born in here. It is impossible to let you guys vote the word impossible is not in my dictionary. So don't say anything about impossible.  We should have right to vote. Why? Some one said that right to vote is natural right. But it is not a talent. It is person give. But this "person" means people rather than countries, the right to vote is the people not the state created by the Constitution created by law. Constitutional right to vote is given by the people as the framers of the rights of individual citizens, but state election law as the law is implemented, the result of refining the constitutional rights of citizens, the electoral law itself does not, can not "give" (can only be refined) citizens the right to vote, citizens vote not from countries but from the people as the Framers. People as a whole, individual citizens, the people formed by the citizens, people of all citizens, the right to vote is granted to their own people as a whole, every individual with the right to participate in national affairs is the people's sovereignty "piecemeal" a form of expression. Equality means the right to vote in each election where each voter can only vote in one place to enjoy a right and not allowing any voters to recognize their ethnic, race, occupation, property status, family origin, length of residence in different privilege at elections. On the other hand, the aspects that are denoted by these rights are not permitted to limit or discriminate against any illegal voters exercise the right to vote. Equality means that as a resident of this country whether a foreigner or not, I have an impartial freedom to elect the party I would like to lead and hence the person I prefer as the leader. This is because even though I am a metic we the slaves fought for the democracy for the in born metics and paid taxes in its support. In this case, this is the "equality of citizens before the law" principle embodied in the electoral system (O'Donnell 138).

From the ideal point of view, the equality of suffrage should not only include the so-called equal opportunities for voters, and should include the results of voting equality. However, the equality of suffrage is focused on substantive equality, rather than simply a formal requirement. Therefore, the understanding of this issue should not be complete. Example, under the provisions of the electoral law, people's congresses at all levels of deputies are to be based on the number of population, but represented by each urban and rural areas the proportion is not the same as that represented by the representative of each of the rural population, is represented by each city's population of 4 times. This case indicates that the urban populations are more represented in the legal and political issues as compared to the rural population. The reason for this is because the vast majority of the population in rural areas, as it can be seen as being less than the number of farmers in the Master number when only focusing on formal equal opportunity; it will make people's congresses at all levels of farmer representatives. In this case this ratio is too large and hence leaving the workers and other sectors as well as career to be inadequately represented. This indicates elements of inequality and discrimination that is brought about by the aspect of geographical locations. It should be correct if all people in all geographical locations, social statuses and nationalities to be represented in the political power equally. This can only be achieved if all people are allowed to vote their favorite leaders (Held 122).

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