Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Broken Bones & Scarring

In the blink of an eye, a serious accident can cause life-threatening injuries and permanent life changes.
Broken bones can be life-threatening and may lead to permanent disability.
Scarring can have an impact on your future.
Whether a workplace accident or an automobile collision, another person's negligence or reckless behavior can burden your life with permanent disability, disfigurement, and thousands of dollars in medical debt.
Severe bone breaks--especially compound fractures, where the broken bone protrudes through the skin--can be fatal if a piece of bone marrow comes loose and enters the heart, brain, or lungs.
Even if this does not happen, severe breaks to crucial or delicate parts of the body can require reconstructive surgery and months of rehabilitation.
Likewise, serious disfigurement often necessitates multiple surgeries.
Disfigurement and extensive scarring can cause permanent changes to a person's self-image and psychological well-being.
It can affect how other people unconsciously react to them, reducing their self-esteem and making it more difficult to develop new relationships.
This can also make it more difficult to successfully interview for jobs and advance in their careers, leading to a great deal of lost future income.
When these injuries occur in the workplace, employees may be eligible for workers' compensation benefits to cover the cost of their medical expenses and losses.
Unfortunately, without the assistance of an experienced attorney, it can be difficult to recover the full compensation you deserve from insurance companies.
A successful workers' compensation claim may be able to help you secure the compensation you need to recover from a devastating injury.
By taking legal action now, it may be possible to make up for the effects of a serious injury on your life.

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