Business & Finance Small Business

If You Don"t Know Why You"re in Business - Then Get Out!

"You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.
" Jim Rohn Those of you who have been in business for more than a few months may already know this, but running your own business takes a lot of energy!! And I'm not just talking about the energy it takes to do the long hours.
Nor the energy it takes to be the manager, the lackey, the be all and end all, in your business, and then stumble into bed some time past midnight.
I'm also talking about the emotional drain that the ups and downs of your business bring with it.
One week you are feeling on top of the world, new clients, some great feedback from a friend, and you just placed that ad you are sure is going to make your business boom.
The next week, two of your clients leave, you get a complaint from one of your suppliers and the fantastic ad turns out to be a real fizzle.
It's easy to see why we sometimes feel like throwing in the towel and going back to a J.
(Just Over Broke).
This is why I believe our vision is so important.
If we don't have a compelling reason why we are spending all this energy, particularly in the early days, we can lose our way.
It seems an awful lot easier to just quit than it does to keep going, day in and day out.
So what is a vision? A vision is your dream.
It is your long-term picture of how your business and your personal life are going to look like, sound like and feel like.
It gives you your why, your "raison de vivre", your motivation to keep going.
There are many forms a vision can take, and this will depend on what your favourite style is.

* If you are writing it out, it is great to physically write it - not just type it.
Add colour to it, underline things, and maybe draw links between things.
This gets you physically and intimately in line with your vision.
It stands out for you, and draws you to it.
* You may like to write a letter to a friend you haven't seen for a while and let her know how your business is doing - as though the year is 2010, or 2015.
* You could tell a story as if you are writing your memoirs, and this is how your life is right now.
Be sure to write it in the present tense, with as much visual description and feeling in it as you can to make it seem very real.
* It can be pictorial, either your own, or somebody else's.
You can represent elements of your vision either with drawings, or through collage.
* It can be auditory - the sounds of applause, the sounds of customers thanking you and passing you referrals, the sounds of the sea for where you envisage your office to be located.
Record these sounds, and play them back every day.
The most important thing is to capture your vision in whichever way feels good for you - and have fun!! A vision does not need to be based on your reality right now.
If you are on the brink of poverty, your vision can still include a million dollar mansion over looking the sea.
If you have no idea about technology, you can still you're your business around reaching people through it.
Do not worry about the how while writing your vision.
Just see yourself where you will be if you have everything your heart desires.
Once you have your vision recorded in whichever format suits you, you can view or listen to your vision every day.
In fact, twice a day makes it even more compelling.
The more often you read it the more you will be able to see yourself there.
The clearer you can see yourself there, the more likely it is that you will get there.
The next big step is to share your vision.
Read it to a trusted friend or your coach.
Some one you feel comfortable with, who will take you seriously and support you 100%.
With a vision, you are your biggest limitation.
If you have big dreams already, I challenge you to double them! If you are feeling stuck or not sure where to get started then use a coach to help you get moving.
Once you are on your way, your coach can hold your vision for you and work with you to reach it and make it more than just a dream.
Just remember that a vision isn't written in concrete, and as you grow and change with the work you are doing, particularly on yourself, your vision will grow and change too, and that's OK .

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