Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Why Should You Invest in Blue Chip Stocks Today?

Everyone is always hunting for a great bargain, and with the turmoil in the stock market over the past several weeks, bargains abound in the markets.
The best time to invest in blue chip stocks are when they are steeply discounted.
A blue chip stock belongs to an established company that usually pays dividends even in down times.
Blue Chip stocks are traditionally companies with a long history of high expectation and steady earnings.
Year over year, these stalworth investments provide the backbone of a conservative portfolio.
Since they are so steady, stock prices have risen over the past twenty years or so to make most blue chip stock purchases prohibitive to add to most portfolios.
But the recent decline in the overall state of the market makes now the perfect time to add blue chip stocks to a portfolio.
These stocks will be the first to surge on news of a recovery, and companies like 3M and United Healthcare are great bargains right now.
The phrase "blue chip" comes from the world of casino's, where blue chips are the highest and most valuable playing chip.
It's poetic that a phrase borrowed from the gambling world is applied to what some consider the most boring and steady stocks on the exchange.
Blue Chip stocks are considered a gold crown in any investment portfolio, and the potential to make incredible sums of money, just like in gambling, exist in today's market.
Investors can buy at almost historic lows and wait for the market to correct.
By investing in companies with solid historic returns, and investor stands a greater chance of making huge sums of money on the next market run up.
Investing in Blue Chip stocks today is smart investing, since bargain sale pricing is in effect.

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