Technology Networking & Internet

Why Youtube Freezes Up?

YouTube is the largest video streaming and sharing site of the world with more than 20 million active users. The number of random users cannot be counted besides hackers, copyright bandits and perverts. If each person is using YouTube at the same time by watching, sharing and uploading videos, it can be well imagined what will happen. One does not need to visit YouTube to see the results.

It doesn't matter what Internet browser one is using, the YouTube gets chokes at one time or the other. The video will stop behind by seconds or it can stop altogether.

Common reasons of YouTube freezes

One gets used to it at certain times of the day and at other times one feels helpless. YouTube freezing happens because of the following reasons:

1. Thousands videos are uploaded all at the same time: It is expected that the loading time takes almost forever because of thousand videos are being uploaded at the same time. Although YouTube is massive, it has no control over the traffic of users and downloads on the site. Secondly, it has nothing practical to lose and the fact is that it only stands to gain.

2. When there are heavy programs running while the YouTube is on: This action slows down the speed of the computer and interferes with the uploading and watching process. This is sometimes the reason why video is unable to work the way it should.

3. Video and audio programs take up more space on the PC in general: Audio and video clips are far bigger than ordinary files. This is the reason that feaster internet connection is required for faster YouTube use and all the hardware should be brand new. A dial-up connection is never suitable and watching and uploading video gets in the way.

4. The internet connection is just too slow:

This issue has to be considered first; still a fast internet is not a guarantee of faster YouTube uploading. The reason is it is not a single user that is using but it's probably 20 million others around the world. What can be done is changing the uploading or watching habits. One thing has to be done at one time. This way will tell whether the Internet connection is slow or the computer. When YouTube is used at rare times and loading time goes faster, this means that the issue is with the traffic of YouTube although it is still the same and it is the computer.

Avoiding YouTube freezing

There is no proper way for avoiding YouTube freezes when the problem is with the Internet connection, computer's RAM or with YouTube itself. However these steps can be helpful to some extent;

-    Updating the video display driver with a new one
-    Increasing the computer's RAM chip
-    Closing the browser and tabs that are not needed
-    Fresh tabs can be opened instead of restoring opened tabs
-    Close YouTube without closing the browser
-    Then shutting down and rebooting the system

Public taste is the best for judging the issue of hits and the lack thereof.

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