Fue Hair Transplant
FUE Hair Transplant is a process in which hair follicles from the donor area (generally from the back and side of the scalp) is extracted and is placed on the balding area of the scalp (frontal, mid frontal and the crown) of the patient itself. In recent times hair follicles from the various parts of the body beard, chest, armpit, pubic, abdomen are also extracted by this technique to fill the balding area in the scalp (Body Hair Transplant).
Hair follicles in its natural occurring groups of 1,2,3,4 hairs are extracted from the back of the scalp and are transplanted with proper designing, angulations, direction and density to achieve a natural look.
Hair transplant is done primarily in men suffering from male pattern baldness. It is also done in female pattern baldness, eyebrow and moustache restoration, to cover scars in the scalp due to previous surgery, trauma, burns etc.
Hair transplant is a day procedure performed under local anesthesia and patient can go back home on the same day itself.
The important advantages of FUE technique are:
1. Less invasive than Strip (FUHT) Technique..The follicles are extracted by tiny punches which leaves tiny holes. The holes heals within 7-10 days leaving no scar
2. No linear scar on the donor area. It is especially beneficial for those who keep their hair short and for those who wants to avoid any kind of post surgery scar on the donor area.
3. Minimum post procedure discomfort.
Hair loss or baldness is correlated with a man's work and social life, often resulting in psychological and physical distress. Reasons of hair loss may vary it may be Stress, Hormonal changes, Frequent use of chemical products, hair styling tools.
Get rid of Hair loss with Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) treatment. This technique involves individual removal of follicular units directly from the scalp and grafting them one-by-one into the bald areas of the head.
Thick strong hair is one of the important aspects of feminism. Fall out of hairs/ hair loss can lead to loss of confidence and even depression. Hair loss in woman though does not produce complete baldness but surely affects her crowning glory. There are many reason of hair loss in woman like hormonal imbalances, menopause, drugs side effects, and anemia. Busy and stressful lifestyle also leads to hair loss some ends.
Proper evaluation of hair loss with Dermatologist, Trichologist and regular treatment for at least one year is required prior to planning hair restoration surgery. Many medical problems in female e.g. Telogen Effluvium, Alopecia areata, Active cicatrecial alopecia and Trichotelomania responds well to medical treatment.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is most advanced method of hair transplant. This procedure involves single extraction of healthy hair follicles and then harvested using a tiny punch typically ranging from.7 to 1 millimeter in size. Hair development start from 2-3 months of treatment and final result will be seen within 6 months.
FUE hair restoration surgery in women is similar to male. It will give natural looking and dense packed hair which is simpler and painless.
We invite you to browse through our website to learn more about our practice. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about Hair & Senses or if you would like to Schedule an appointment!
Hair follicles in its natural occurring groups of 1,2,3,4 hairs are extracted from the back of the scalp and are transplanted with proper designing, angulations, direction and density to achieve a natural look.
Hair transplant is done primarily in men suffering from male pattern baldness. It is also done in female pattern baldness, eyebrow and moustache restoration, to cover scars in the scalp due to previous surgery, trauma, burns etc.
Hair transplant is a day procedure performed under local anesthesia and patient can go back home on the same day itself.
The important advantages of FUE technique are:
1. Less invasive than Strip (FUHT) Technique..The follicles are extracted by tiny punches which leaves tiny holes. The holes heals within 7-10 days leaving no scar
2. No linear scar on the donor area. It is especially beneficial for those who keep their hair short and for those who wants to avoid any kind of post surgery scar on the donor area.
3. Minimum post procedure discomfort.
Hair loss or baldness is correlated with a man's work and social life, often resulting in psychological and physical distress. Reasons of hair loss may vary it may be Stress, Hormonal changes, Frequent use of chemical products, hair styling tools.
Get rid of Hair loss with Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) treatment. This technique involves individual removal of follicular units directly from the scalp and grafting them one-by-one into the bald areas of the head.
Thick strong hair is one of the important aspects of feminism. Fall out of hairs/ hair loss can lead to loss of confidence and even depression. Hair loss in woman though does not produce complete baldness but surely affects her crowning glory. There are many reason of hair loss in woman like hormonal imbalances, menopause, drugs side effects, and anemia. Busy and stressful lifestyle also leads to hair loss some ends.
Proper evaluation of hair loss with Dermatologist, Trichologist and regular treatment for at least one year is required prior to planning hair restoration surgery. Many medical problems in female e.g. Telogen Effluvium, Alopecia areata, Active cicatrecial alopecia and Trichotelomania responds well to medical treatment.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is most advanced method of hair transplant. This procedure involves single extraction of healthy hair follicles and then harvested using a tiny punch typically ranging from.7 to 1 millimeter in size. Hair development start from 2-3 months of treatment and final result will be seen within 6 months.
FUE hair restoration surgery in women is similar to male. It will give natural looking and dense packed hair which is simpler and painless.
We invite you to browse through our website to learn more about our practice. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about Hair & Senses or if you would like to Schedule an appointment!