Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Cat Picture of the Week: Max

Another predestined meeting between a cat and a human. The timing was right, and Max and Nancy have much love to offer each other for a long time to come.

Two months after I had to have my wonderful 16 year old tabby cat, "Mookie", put to rest, I felt ready to adopt again. I saw Jake's picture, listed only as a DSH. The first time I went to look at him, he was not there. Because I had only allowed myself time for a quick look and they were getting ready to close, I left. Two weeks later when I took a few days off from work, on a whim, I decided to take a ride back down to the shelter.

I walked in and "Jake" was in one of the large cages in the reception area.

We seemed to have an immediate connection in that he woke up and kept looking at me and when I put my hand down to his cage, he reached up with his paws and was very gentle with his claws retracted. I looked around still, and then one of the workers asked if I'd like to hold him. He was pretty large, and pretty wild looking, so I wasn't really sure. But she opened his cage and took him out, and it was then that I saw he had a bobtail. She handed him over to me and he immediately put his head right down on my chest and purred (which he had not done with her). It was amazing. She said, "He's been loved." I think she was right, and know that he will continued to be loved in his new "forever home."

As I understand it, Max was adopted previously by a man.I didn't think "Jake" fit him. I actually looked at him and started calling him Max on the way home from the shelter. I read more about him in his adoption kit when I got home and found that his owner had called him "Lynx".

Not too far of a stretch from "Max" and after a few days he was answering to "Max." He is a very typical Maine Coon (mix, but mostly M.C.).

Even though he is a year old, if he had his way, he would have me play with him all day long! The feathers on the wand is his favorite. If I take the wand to the den to play with him, he will "capture" it and with a firm grip in his mouth, he promptly trots (yes, he trots like a little dog) off to his "lair" in the living room. He likes to carry things in his mouth, and he uses his paws to help put things there sometimes. He drinks water by dipping his paw in the bowl and licking it off. As a matter of fact, almost everything goes right into his mouth. He's definitely not a lap cat, but prefers to be near me most of the time, so he follows me around and drops down at my feet and likes his belly rubbed. He is truly a gentle giant and a very sweet cat. I am mystified as to why he was at the shelter for a couple of months without adoption.

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