Serious Core Strength: The One Arm One Legged Push Up
Who says you can't get any stronger from body weight training exercises? In order for you to be able to perform in life to be strong, fit, and mobile you have got to build your core strength.
This is true whether you are looking to build a rock hard physique or if you are a world class athlete in need of performing at the top of your game.
Permit yourself a minute to continue reading this article to learn about a drill that will help you to accomplish just that and 10 times more! If you have participated in any form of body weight training then I guarantee you have more than likely performed the age old push up exercise.
This is a terrific exercise that really is more of a total body exercise rather than falling under the misconception of just being a so-called "upper body" drill.
Seeing a guy or girl rep out a 100 or so of these in a row is certainly an impressive feat to witness, however if you are really wanting to push your body and achieve physical results beyond your wildest dreams then try doing this exercise with one arm, or better yet with only one arm and one leg! The one arm one legged push up is a tremendously valuable training drill for your strength and fitness program because it truly engages your core center to be more stable and powerful to better secure your body under stress.
By having to balance yourself with one arm and one leg while descending down into a push up and then controlling the ascent back out of it you are truly having to tense the muscles of your abdomen, hips, thighs, back, glutes, and arms in order to pull it off.
Once you successfully attempt this for the first time you will immediately see why this is such a total body exercise! When performing this drill you will quickly see just how the human body is designed to function as a machine of strength because you must maintain alignment of the body and even maintain control of your breathing to successfully execute the exercise.
You see the one arm one legged push up is an extreme example of how the natural flow of the body works.
You can even see this in our most basic daily activities such as walking.
For example, picture yourself in your mind walking down the street.
With each stride that you take you will notice that the body functions like an "X.
" Now what I mean is that the line of movement or activity while walking crosses over from left to right and vice versa.
With each stride you take you will swing your left arm forward as your right leg steps forward and the same thing happens on the other side.
When performing the one arm one legged push up you will do this in the same exact way.
If you perform the drill with your right arm then the line of tension will run from your right arm (shoulder) diagonally over to your left leg down to your left foot.
This is where the importance of your core stability becomes so important.
In order for your body to maintain control and balance throughout this movement your core center has to be strong and powerful.
By incorporating this drill into your strength and conditioning routine you will quickly build this powerful core strength that I am referring to.
Oh and the good news is that by doing this you aren't just developing your core center to solely help you with the execution of this drill.
You are going to vastly improve your functional performance in an array of other areas too such as sprinting, jumping, pressing, and just overall having a rock hard physique for the beach! Step up your training now by incorporating the one arm one legged push up into your strength and fitness program if you are serious about getting results.
Remember my friend that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
This is true whether you are looking to build a rock hard physique or if you are a world class athlete in need of performing at the top of your game.
Permit yourself a minute to continue reading this article to learn about a drill that will help you to accomplish just that and 10 times more! If you have participated in any form of body weight training then I guarantee you have more than likely performed the age old push up exercise.
This is a terrific exercise that really is more of a total body exercise rather than falling under the misconception of just being a so-called "upper body" drill.
Seeing a guy or girl rep out a 100 or so of these in a row is certainly an impressive feat to witness, however if you are really wanting to push your body and achieve physical results beyond your wildest dreams then try doing this exercise with one arm, or better yet with only one arm and one leg! The one arm one legged push up is a tremendously valuable training drill for your strength and fitness program because it truly engages your core center to be more stable and powerful to better secure your body under stress.
By having to balance yourself with one arm and one leg while descending down into a push up and then controlling the ascent back out of it you are truly having to tense the muscles of your abdomen, hips, thighs, back, glutes, and arms in order to pull it off.
Once you successfully attempt this for the first time you will immediately see why this is such a total body exercise! When performing this drill you will quickly see just how the human body is designed to function as a machine of strength because you must maintain alignment of the body and even maintain control of your breathing to successfully execute the exercise.
You see the one arm one legged push up is an extreme example of how the natural flow of the body works.
You can even see this in our most basic daily activities such as walking.
For example, picture yourself in your mind walking down the street.
With each stride that you take you will notice that the body functions like an "X.
" Now what I mean is that the line of movement or activity while walking crosses over from left to right and vice versa.
With each stride you take you will swing your left arm forward as your right leg steps forward and the same thing happens on the other side.
When performing the one arm one legged push up you will do this in the same exact way.
If you perform the drill with your right arm then the line of tension will run from your right arm (shoulder) diagonally over to your left leg down to your left foot.
This is where the importance of your core stability becomes so important.
In order for your body to maintain control and balance throughout this movement your core center has to be strong and powerful.
By incorporating this drill into your strength and conditioning routine you will quickly build this powerful core strength that I am referring to.
Oh and the good news is that by doing this you aren't just developing your core center to solely help you with the execution of this drill.
You are going to vastly improve your functional performance in an array of other areas too such as sprinting, jumping, pressing, and just overall having a rock hard physique for the beach! Step up your training now by incorporating the one arm one legged push up into your strength and fitness program if you are serious about getting results.
Remember my friend that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!