Golf Health and Aspartame
One of my students had been showing very promising prospects for being able to really play some golf.
He was striking the ball as solid as I have ever seen and had been for some months now.
In one of his most recent rounds of golf he hit every green and fairway in regulation and shot 67, his lowest round ever.
Then he got sick, really really sick, it came on pretty suddenly at that.
He was beginning to exhibit signs of lupus.
Now here is this young man, with a budding opportunity to become a very good amateur or maybe even turn professional.
At 26 years old your right in your prime for accomplishment, and the time could not have been more opportune for making some sort of decisions, and move on to the next level.
One morning, he got up and told me "I had barely had enough strength to pick up a cup of coffee".
Over the next few days and weeks, it turned into muscle pain, joint stiffness and atrophy.
Everyone around him was dismayed and at a loss.
There had never been any sort of this thing linked to anyone in his family.
He went to his doctor, he was referred to several specialists in fact, disheartening test results were coming back.
It "looked" liked lupus been setting in on him.
A few days later, he was out and met someone out of the blue.
In a short 10 or 15 minute conversation, they told him about a similar incident to a distant family member.
The person he was talking with noticed he was drinking a can of diet soda, then asked my student if he had heard about the information linking Aspartame to MS, Systemic Lupus, and Methanol Toxicity.
My student was shocked, as he only drinks diet sodas, and liquids of the like.
My Student had been doing so for years.
He was led to believe (like most of us), that diet soda was better for you than a regular soda.
He said he immediately went home and started doing some internet research.
What he found was startling so he called his doctor, made an appointment, and went to see him.
He told the doctor of the chance encounter and his personal subsequent internet research, then promptly asked to have whatever tests were needed to get more answers.
Guess what they found out? He was suffering from Methanol Toxicity.
End result here is, this young man is back on the road to recovery, and big time.
He is a very happy camper.
My student came by and told me his doctor was amazed at the findings.
He also said "My Doctor thanked me profusely and said he now asks every patient, if they use artificial sweeteners, of any type, and how much.
He then said the Doctor has made it a standard procedural question on patient intake forms.
For all patients.
" I too am spreading the word about this.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This article or product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
Article Resources listed below
He was striking the ball as solid as I have ever seen and had been for some months now.
In one of his most recent rounds of golf he hit every green and fairway in regulation and shot 67, his lowest round ever.
Then he got sick, really really sick, it came on pretty suddenly at that.
He was beginning to exhibit signs of lupus.
Now here is this young man, with a budding opportunity to become a very good amateur or maybe even turn professional.
At 26 years old your right in your prime for accomplishment, and the time could not have been more opportune for making some sort of decisions, and move on to the next level.
One morning, he got up and told me "I had barely had enough strength to pick up a cup of coffee".
Over the next few days and weeks, it turned into muscle pain, joint stiffness and atrophy.
Everyone around him was dismayed and at a loss.
There had never been any sort of this thing linked to anyone in his family.
He went to his doctor, he was referred to several specialists in fact, disheartening test results were coming back.
It "looked" liked lupus been setting in on him.
A few days later, he was out and met someone out of the blue.
In a short 10 or 15 minute conversation, they told him about a similar incident to a distant family member.
The person he was talking with noticed he was drinking a can of diet soda, then asked my student if he had heard about the information linking Aspartame to MS, Systemic Lupus, and Methanol Toxicity.
My student was shocked, as he only drinks diet sodas, and liquids of the like.
My Student had been doing so for years.
He was led to believe (like most of us), that diet soda was better for you than a regular soda.
He said he immediately went home and started doing some internet research.
What he found was startling so he called his doctor, made an appointment, and went to see him.
He told the doctor of the chance encounter and his personal subsequent internet research, then promptly asked to have whatever tests were needed to get more answers.
Guess what they found out? He was suffering from Methanol Toxicity.
End result here is, this young man is back on the road to recovery, and big time.
He is a very happy camper.
My student came by and told me his doctor was amazed at the findings.
He also said "My Doctor thanked me profusely and said he now asks every patient, if they use artificial sweeteners, of any type, and how much.
He then said the Doctor has made it a standard procedural question on patient intake forms.
For all patients.
" I too am spreading the word about this.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This article or product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
Article Resources listed below