Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

What is the Best Hair Loss Treatment and Where Can I Buy It?

There are many hair loss treatments and as you've probably heard before most of them do not work.
It is the usual scenario out of the hundreds that are available at any one time only a few really have stood the test of time and seem to do what they are designed to do.
The main reason for this bad press as it were is that most people who are experiencing alopecia (baldness) in whatever form don't seem to realize two things.
The first is that they need to potentially look at underlying causes i.
e if you are in your 40's and are in the menopause and you've noticed your hair thinning it might just be that you need some HRT (hormone replacement therapy).
Maybe you have gone down that route and didn't like the side effects.
If that is the case then you would be probably prefer a 'natural' herbal based remedy.
The main point I'm making here is to try and recognize what may be contributing to your hair loss before you go out and buy any expensive medications.
You may even be better off seeking professional medical advice in case the hair thinning is representative of an underlying problem.
This is the reason why so many perfectly good hair treatments don't work.
If you know what is contributing to the condition then it is much easier to find a solution isn't it? So what treatment is best for me then? Well having completed the first step - examining potential causes and having found that it's not menopausal, not from pulling your hair out and that it is hormonal and/or genetic there are some well respected products available.
These include Procerin, Propecia and Provillus.
Procerin is an all natural treatment and is one of those that's best for women with mild hair thinning - it's not as potent for men but has been known to work where the alopecia is just starting.
They always say prevention is better than cure! Propecia is a drug.
It's FDA approved but it is very very strong and it is not recommended for women especially expectant mothers but it will go a long way to being a good treatment for male pattern baldness but be warned it can have side effects.
Provillus is a combination of natural ingredients and FDA approved drugs especially Minoxidil.
The good thing about this one is that the manufacturers have made a male and female strength variety and it seems to provide a very good balance and therefore should be considered.
The only negative is that Provillus and many of the other products aren't sold in shops and you have to on the net to find out where!

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