Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Basic Formatting Rules Used in an APA Formatted Paper

    • An APA paper must be typed, in a standard font.typing #5 image by Adam Borkowski from

      Some students think that APA rules only govern a paper's method of citation and style of bibliography, but they also regulate every aspect of a paper's format. When you're required to follow APA style, it's important to use proper APA formatting, or else your professor could deduct points from your grade. Although APA formatting can be frustrating, it helps students create papers in a standard academic style; this helps you look more scholarly, and it helps your professors grade fairly and quickly.


    • Use a standard serif font; according to the American Psychological Association, serif fonts are easier to read. The preferred font is Times New Roman. Always use size 12 throughout, even for titles and headings.


    • In APA style, the entire paper must be double-spaced. This includes the title page, the headings, the reference list and block quotes, as well as the primary text.


    • Each margin must be at least 1 inch wide. The margins should be completely blank except the top margin, which includes the running head.

    Running Head

    • In the top margin, left-aligned, write a shortened form of your paper's title in all capital letters. This running head should appear on every page. Additionally, on the title page only, write "Running head:" in front of the short title.

    Page Numbers

    • Each page should display a page number in the top margin, aligned to the right. Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the entire document, beginning on the title page.

    Title Page

    • An APA paper must begin with a title page. Write, in centered text and on separate lines, the title of your paper, your name, the name of your teacher, the name of your class, and the date. Begin the text of the paper on the next page.

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