Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Tea Tree Lotion for Natural Healing

If you have been reading about tea tree oil lotion, you are probably amazed at all the qualities this natural product contains. It is rare, as it has anti fungal, anti viral and anti bacterial properties making it a cure for a number of different conditions. If you suffer from a fungus such as ringworm, you could find this oil will help to get rid of it. It is also very useful in treating colds and flu, cold sores, dermatitis, chilblains, athlete's foot and other foot related conditions. You can use it to treat spots and pimples if you suffer from zit outbreaks. If you are planning surgery, massaging the area with this oil will help to minimize scarring and increase your recovery rate.
The tea tree plant is native to Australia where it has been used for years by the aborigines. Herbal medicines is the oldest form of healing and a lot of people are deciding to start using herbs again rather than reaching for manufactured medications. People tend to believe that because a product is natural it is safer than those prepared by the drug manufacturers. This is not always the case and it is worth remembering that Poppies are a natural product but few would call opium safe.
The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves and small branches of the tea tree. It is produced mainly in Australia where the trees grow to about 15ft. The oil can be clear or slightly yellow in color and has a rather distinctive smell not unlike disinfectant. Given the number of conditions it is helpful in treating; it should be part of every household medicine chest.
As is normal with all aromatherapy oils, it should be diluted before use and only used neat on very limited occasions. It is better to mix it with carrier base oil before applying to your skin. The carrier oil will dilute the oil without dispersing its active ingredients. It is safe to use on pregnant women and on children but always test on a small patch of skin first as it can irritate. It helps to make a great diaper cream and is also useful in treating cradle cap in infants but be sure to use very small amounts of the oil.
Although Tea tree oil lotion is safe for most people, those with kidney problems should avoid it. If you suffer from depression you may find that a massage using this oil will help. It works very well when combined with other oils such as lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus and bergamot. The massage can also stimulate your system helping you to get rid of any feelings of lethargy.

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