Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Office Teeth Whitening Whitens Yellow Teeth

Why are Some People's Teeth Yellow:
Do you ever wonder why heavy coffee drinkers have yellow teeth? Have you ever observed the same trend in soda drinkers or, perhaps, even tea drinkers? There are chemicals in coffee, soda and certain teas that cling to our teeth like glue. These stains cause teeth to change colors over time which can lead to public discomfort. Colored teeth are very embarassing!

This grime that adheres itself to the enamel on our teeth slowly begins to eat away at the protective covering on each tooth. Sure, one drink may not make a difference, but, over time, the constant daily grime grips to our teeth and eats away at the protection, resulting in a yellow hue.

One way to help combat the process is to brush your teeth very often. Brush after drinking coffee in the morning and cola in the afternoon. The less time the substances stick to the tooth, the less damage they can do. Another way, and a truly proven way to prevent discoloration, is simply drink less of the beverages that damage teeth. Of course, this is easier said than done for the avid coffee addict. Finally, teeth whitening treatments will restore teeth to their cleanly whiteness glow.

What is in - office teeth whitening:
Has years of coffee and or tea drinking have your teeth looking yellow? If so there are a few forms of teeth whitening that can be preformed to get those pearly whites back. If you are in the Denver area Screamin White Teeth can have you in and out of the office in less than an hour with teeth up to ten shades whiter than they were when you walked in the door.

In-Office tooth whitening is a very simple process when the proper tools are used. First a hydrogen peroxide gel is places on the teeth for the whitening agent. Then a LED light is placed in front of the teeth for 15 minutes per treatment. Treatment can be done up to three times per visit. The exact shade of white of the finished product is not always the same person to person. This is dependent upon the state of the teeth prior to the treatment. If your teeth have been exposed to antibiotics and appear gray in color than this may not be the treatment for you.

Stop wearing those trays on your teeth for days on end and brighten up your life in under an hour. The results are pleasing, the time is acceptable and the price is affordable. Make an appointment with Screamin White Teeth to increase your confident with a bright white smile.

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