Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Which Fish is Ideal For Keeping in a Bowl?

Many people think that goldfish is the most ideal pet for keeping in a bowl.
However, the truth is - goldfish is the worst fish to be kept in a bowl.
Instead, Betta fish can do well in such environment.
Bowls are not at all suitable for goldfish.
If you are keeping them in bowls, it is like keeping them in a coffin! It will reduce the life of your goldfish considerably.
While making an assumption that goldfish is suitable for keeping in a bowl, people have two things in their mind.
First, in olden times goldfish used to be kept in small bowls.
Secondly, they feel that goldfish will grow according to the size of the tank or bowl in which they are kept! This is in fact a very cruel assumption.
It should not be done with any fish or any pet for that matter.
In particular, goldfish has the ability to outgrow the bowl in a very short period of time.
Goldfish have many dirty habits.
They will shed their scales and skin once in a month.
If you do not provide a filter to clean this waste, it will accumulate at the bottom of the tank and start decomposing.
This will deteriorate the quality of tank water very quickly and it will soon become toxic for goldfish.
As goldfish are considered to be most active amongst the fish community, their metabolism rate is very high and they will throw off their waste very frequently.
It will all sink at the bottom of your tank or bowl and pollute the water.
If it is a bowl, that small quantity of water will be polluted in no time and it will kill your goldfish soon.
Another important characteristic of goldfish is - they are social.
They always want the company of other fish.
If they are separated and kept alone, they get depressed and stressed.
For this reason, a bowl is an insufficient place for goldfish.
If you are not yet convinced, then look at the point of their maintenance.
The water in a bowl needs to be changed almost every second day in order to keep it clean and suitable for fish.
Instead, in an aquarium, you can change the water over a period of 3 to 4 weeks.
If you are keeping fish, your aim is to sit back and relax watching them and not doing the cleaning or maintenance job every now and then! Many times people think of cost considerations and they bring home their goldfish in a bowl.
They realize their mistake sooner.
Betta fish is an ideal choice for keeping in a bowl.
In fact, they are the only variety of fish which can be kept in bowls.
They can grow only up to 2 inches and they will never outgrow these bowls.
They would like to live alone and their food requirement is also very small.
Naturally they do not produce much waste.
As they do not move around too much, they are happy to live in a container.
The only important tip about keeping Betta fish in a bowl is - they want privacy! You should keep them only in singles.
If you keep them as a pair, they will fight with each other until one of them dies.
Betta fish can take oxygen directly from the air.
So they can come to the surface of the water to breath.
Naturally, they will not get suffocated if the quality of the water deteriorates over a short period of time.
They have one organ called labyrinth, which can help them to sustain in unfiltered water.
Of course this is not the excuse to keep the water of the bowl dirty.
If you notice that the water in the bowl is looking cloudy, you should immediately change it.

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