How to String a Guitar - 4 Simple Steps to Follow
If you are a beginning guitarist, chances are you have paid somebody or asked a knowledgeable friend to restring your guitar for you.
There is no reason that you should not know how to string a guitar.
Stringing your guitar is actually a very simple process you can learn how to do yourself.
Please note that it is recommended that you do not remove all the strings at once but change the strings one by one, in order not to change the tension of the guitar neck and body by too much - which might cause permanent damage to your guitar.
Just follow these simple steps for each string: 1.
Unwind the old string - You should remove the guitar string by unwinding the string, gradually reducing the tension on the string until the string can be removed from the guitar safely.
Remove the string from the guitar - You should then remove the string from the guitar by removing it first from the winding peg and then from the guitar bridge.
If it's an electric guitar, you might have to do some unscrewing at the bridge (or even at the neck) to get it off.
In the case of a steel string acoustic, you might have to use pliers to remove the peg at the bridge before the string will come off.
Put the new string on the guitar - Next, you should affix the new string on the guitar, which is the reverse of step 2.
Do tighten the screws or pegs to ensure that the string does not slip off.
Tune up to the correct pitch - You should be tuning the string up to the correct pitch using a guitar tuner before moving on to the next string.
This helps to maintain an even tension on the guitar neck throughout the string change process.
Repeat the above steps for every string.
After that, you should have a perfectly strung guitar.
One thing to take note of at this point is not to cut the strings (off the tuning pegs) before you are sure the tuning will not run.
Play with the guitar a bit and re-tune a few times just to be sure.
Congratulations, you now know how to string a guitar.
There is no reason that you should not know how to string a guitar.
Stringing your guitar is actually a very simple process you can learn how to do yourself.
Please note that it is recommended that you do not remove all the strings at once but change the strings one by one, in order not to change the tension of the guitar neck and body by too much - which might cause permanent damage to your guitar.
Just follow these simple steps for each string: 1.
Unwind the old string - You should remove the guitar string by unwinding the string, gradually reducing the tension on the string until the string can be removed from the guitar safely.
Remove the string from the guitar - You should then remove the string from the guitar by removing it first from the winding peg and then from the guitar bridge.
If it's an electric guitar, you might have to do some unscrewing at the bridge (or even at the neck) to get it off.
In the case of a steel string acoustic, you might have to use pliers to remove the peg at the bridge before the string will come off.
Put the new string on the guitar - Next, you should affix the new string on the guitar, which is the reverse of step 2.
Do tighten the screws or pegs to ensure that the string does not slip off.
Tune up to the correct pitch - You should be tuning the string up to the correct pitch using a guitar tuner before moving on to the next string.
This helps to maintain an even tension on the guitar neck throughout the string change process.
Repeat the above steps for every string.
After that, you should have a perfectly strung guitar.
One thing to take note of at this point is not to cut the strings (off the tuning pegs) before you are sure the tuning will not run.
Play with the guitar a bit and re-tune a few times just to be sure.
Congratulations, you now know how to string a guitar.