Tips For People Who Are New to Credit Cards
Since credit card interest rates can vary greatly, it's always important to take a close look at what a company might be offering you should you have a few offers to receive and use one of their cards.
A pre-approval letter in the mail for a few thousand dollars might sound great and wonderful until you take a look at the interest rate and realize that twenty-one percent interest, when making minimum payments, might take you quite a few years to pay off if you have maxed out the limit on that card.
What can help with this, if you are stuck with a high interest rate for whatever reason, is making payments above the minimum.
Sometimes whatever amount you pay over the minimum will go straight towards the principal and bypass the interest paid, helping to pay the credit card off quicker.
Another thing to take note of is the actual company that is offering you the credit card.
While there are hundreds of different agencies out that will allow you to use their cards for purchases, some of the bigger ones offer rewards every time you buy something.
For example large electronics chains offer a credit card with their name on it and every time you buy something with that card from their store, you get a percentage of that money back as a reward.
If you use it in other places, you get a smaller percentage back but that's still a percentage.
Better to get a small percentage back than none at all.
A pre-approval letter in the mail for a few thousand dollars might sound great and wonderful until you take a look at the interest rate and realize that twenty-one percent interest, when making minimum payments, might take you quite a few years to pay off if you have maxed out the limit on that card.
What can help with this, if you are stuck with a high interest rate for whatever reason, is making payments above the minimum.
Sometimes whatever amount you pay over the minimum will go straight towards the principal and bypass the interest paid, helping to pay the credit card off quicker.
Another thing to take note of is the actual company that is offering you the credit card.
While there are hundreds of different agencies out that will allow you to use their cards for purchases, some of the bigger ones offer rewards every time you buy something.
For example large electronics chains offer a credit card with their name on it and every time you buy something with that card from their store, you get a percentage of that money back as a reward.
If you use it in other places, you get a smaller percentage back but that's still a percentage.
Better to get a small percentage back than none at all.