What Food to Avoid For Acid Relfux?
In general, a healthy and nutritious diet plan is very helpful in order to avoid the symptoms related to acid reflux.
Acid reflux is normally caused when the acids from our stomach flow back into the esophagus causing discomfort and pain.
It basically leads to heart burn.
The type of food that you consume can result in reflux problem hence there are some specific foods that you should avoid in case you are suffering from acid reflux, which are as follows: 1.
It is highly recommended to avoid any kind of spicy food specially made of pepper and chilly.
The deep fried fatty foods are also not good for people suffering from acid reflux since it leads to slowing down of our digestion process.
Alcohol is also not good since it stimulates gastric acid and causes burning sensation in the chest.
It is also better to avoid coffee.
Since thee caffeine content is coffee also tends to secrete the gastric acid and it may cause indigestion for people who consume it frequently.
It is also recommended to avoid any kind of carbonated drinks.
The carbonated drinks normally increase the pressure inside our stomach which leads to acid reflux.
It is always better to opt for mineral water rather than going for carbonated drinks.
It is also better to avoid citrus fruits such as lemon, orange and grapes since these fruits normally leads to difficulty in digestion.
But you can always go for fruits such as apple, papaya or pineapple which helps in easy digestion.
Normally people prefer taking milk just before going to bed which is not a good habit.
Consuming milk after heavy dinner and immediately going to bed can cause excessive secretion of acid in the stomach.
It is also better to avoid meat with high fat content.
Consumption of fresh fish and chicken are good.
Apart from the above mentioned list of foods one should also avoid overeating.
And it's a good idea to have small portions of meals in order to help in quick digestion.
And always remember not to lie down immediately after taking food.
Acid reflux is normally caused when the acids from our stomach flow back into the esophagus causing discomfort and pain.
It basically leads to heart burn.
The type of food that you consume can result in reflux problem hence there are some specific foods that you should avoid in case you are suffering from acid reflux, which are as follows: 1.
It is highly recommended to avoid any kind of spicy food specially made of pepper and chilly.
The deep fried fatty foods are also not good for people suffering from acid reflux since it leads to slowing down of our digestion process.
Alcohol is also not good since it stimulates gastric acid and causes burning sensation in the chest.
It is also better to avoid coffee.
Since thee caffeine content is coffee also tends to secrete the gastric acid and it may cause indigestion for people who consume it frequently.
It is also recommended to avoid any kind of carbonated drinks.
The carbonated drinks normally increase the pressure inside our stomach which leads to acid reflux.
It is always better to opt for mineral water rather than going for carbonated drinks.
It is also better to avoid citrus fruits such as lemon, orange and grapes since these fruits normally leads to difficulty in digestion.
But you can always go for fruits such as apple, papaya or pineapple which helps in easy digestion.
Normally people prefer taking milk just before going to bed which is not a good habit.
Consuming milk after heavy dinner and immediately going to bed can cause excessive secretion of acid in the stomach.
It is also better to avoid meat with high fat content.
Consumption of fresh fish and chicken are good.
Apart from the above mentioned list of foods one should also avoid overeating.
And it's a good idea to have small portions of meals in order to help in quick digestion.
And always remember not to lie down immediately after taking food.