Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Food Allergy 101

Foods that trigger allergy: avoid them Ninety percent of all food allergies are accounted for by just eight foods.
They are eggs, milk, fish, shellfish, soya, gluten, peanuts, and tree nuts (for example, walnuts or almonds).
Typically it is the protein component of a food that triggers the allergic responses.
However, there are foods and beverages that we do not typically think of as containing protein, such as citrus fruits or potatoes, can actually contain enough protein to cause an allergic reaction within us.
Be careful when eating out It is very important to watch out for allergy-trigger foods when dining out.
Some types of cuisines frequently contain foods that trigger allergic reactions easily, such as peanut protein or oil or gluten or soya products.
Be sure to ask your waiter to check the ingredients in the food and beverages you are ordering.
You must make it clear that if you eat a particular food that you are allergic to, it could have serious implications; it is not just that you do not like something.
When traveling to other countries, you should learn how to say the name of any trigger foods, or have the name written down in the language of the country you are visiting.
At the same time, take advantage by asking and finding out what the locals do for natural allergy cures when they encounter allergies.
Caution: hidden ingredients It is critical that you familiarize yourself with the different names of the substances that contain the food that affect you and look for them on labels if you have food allergy or food intolerance.
Dairy products and eggs are often hidden in a wide range of foods; and it is true with as well with gluten, which can be hidden in processed meats, yogurt, cheeses, sauces, gravies, and even frozen vegetables.
Be careful that many processed foods contain corn syrup and many products that are labeled with dextrose or fructose.
There are food coloring that are also made from corn.
Skin-prick test In this test, a drop of a common allergen (a substance that can cause an allergic reaction) is placed on the skin, which is then punctured with a small needle.
It is a positive test result if the skin reacts to the allergen by producing a weal or a hive.
A positive result should be followed with a 2-step procedure.
One: following a diet that eliminates the suspected food and two: conducting a food challenge, in which the allergic food is ingested again to see if the symptoms return.
Food challenge tests must be medically supervised as they may trigger anaphylaxis.

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