How to Lay Bluestone
- 1). Choose the size of bluestone for your project -- sizes range from small and manageable 12 inch-by-12 inch and 6 inch-by-6 inch pieces to larger, less manageable 6 foot-by-6 foot pieces. Choose a smaller bluestone for do-it-yourself projects and blend a variety of sizes to achieve a unique look for your project. Choose a pattern and check with your material supplier -- most suppliers provide pattern templates free of charge. Refer to the resources link below for just a few pattern choices.
- 2). Remove 6 inches of dirt or soil for the "base" or foundation used for the bluestone. After the soil is removed, verify that the base is flat and level. Clear the base area of roots, rocks or obstructions that will interfere with the installation. For areas that need to "pitch" or drain, check for proper drainage slope of the base.
- 3). Use stone dust or crushed stone for the base on which to lay the bluestone, stone dust is the preferred material of choice because it packs tighter than sand and gravel. Pack 4 inches of stone dust into the area, the bluestone will encompass the remaining 2 inches. Use a hand tamp or plate compactor to compact the stone dust, this reduces the risk of the bluestone settling or sinking after installation.
- 4). Spray the stone dust-compacted area with a spray nozzle on a hose. Saturate the base area to remove air pockets and allow 24 hours for the compacted bed to dry. After drying, lightly compact the area before proceeding to the bluestone installation.
- 1). Determine the bluestone layout and begin installation. Verify your pattern (optional) and start at the center point or right angle corner. To start at the center of the installation area, find two center points a reasonable distance from each other and snap a chalk line between the two points. Start at this line, begin with full pieces, verify if the stone is level and allow for grout joints between 1/8 of an inch to 1/2 an inch. Lay the bluestones in place, tap into place with a rubber mallet verify that it is the correct height.
- 2). Fill grout joints with stone dust as you continue the installation. Finish laying the full pieces of bluestone. Measure and mark the cut pieces with a construction pencil, draw a straight line connecting two points. For curved cuts, trace the cut line and cut using a 4-inch diamond grinder. For straight cuts use a wet tile saw or a diamond blade circular saw.
- 3). Install the cut pieces, finish the installation by sweeping needed stone dust to applicable grout joints. Hose off the area and add stone dust to any grout joints that sag or recede as the water is applied. Repeat until the grout joints are completely full.