Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Wholesale Clothing - What is Most Lucrative in the Wholesale Clothing Business?

It is not about you and what you wish but it is about what sells in the market.
What is the demand and what is it that you can offer.
To create a balance between demand and supply.
There is high demand for wholesale clothing and apparel but if we go a step further to find what is the most lucrative amongst women, children and men it would be quite a task.
It is the need of your business to identify your own product niche.
This must be based on the consumer behavior.
Based on your results you must decide whether you want to sell women apparel, men attire or children clothing? Whether it would be branded or signature labels? I should also be in line with what you want to sell, where your passion and interest lies.
Men's wear Men generally have a very traditional and conservative way of dressing which in most case does not go beyond the shades of blue, black and brown.
Though trends have changed as the fashion industry has grown.
Men have started to experiment with the way they look.
They have moved from hip-hop to baggy pants to tight fit jeans.
But the question that remains is, is Men's clothing lucrative enough? Women's Apparel Women shop more than men do as they are more conscious about the way they look.
Women clothing has been a lucrative option for years for marketing clothes for a very simple reason that women spend more on clothes than men do.
Men also spend on electronic gadgets, cars and other utilities.
So selling women apparels is certainly more lucrative than men's wear.
Kid's clothing Kid's clothing is the most lucrative option when challenged with men and women clothing.
Though kids are not expected to be style and fashion conscious but still kids clothing gains over men and women clothing.
It has biological reasons to it as well.
Children grow up.
Their physical growth makes their clothes shorter and hence there is this continuous need to buy more clothes.
With kids, they always yearn for what the kid across the block has.
As parents, everyone wishes best for their child.
This holds true when comes for clothes shopping is concerned.

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