Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Define a Cellphone's Standby Time

    Definition of Standby Time

    • All cellphones -- prepaid or not -- have a standby time. A cellphone's standby time is the amount of time the cellphone can remain on before the battery dies. Regardless of how often you use your cellphone -- either for talking, texting or Web surfing -- the battery is being drained. As soon as the battery is fully drained, the cellphone needs to be recharged. Cellphone chargers connect from the cellphone to a power outlet. During the charging process, you may use your cellphone. The amount of time it takes for your cellphone to fully charge depends on the type of phone you have.

    Keep It Alive

    • There are a few different ways you can prevent your cellphone battery from dying. The most obvious way is to simply talk less. This will also save your prepaid minutes. If a message can be relayed through an email, or if you are going to see the person later in the day, resist the urge to call them. Web browsing, video game playing and viewing videos will drain your cellphone battery. Limit these activities whenever possible. Turn your cellphone off when not in use, especially if you're not expecting an incoming call. Try to avoid roaming, as this will drain the cellphone battery faster than using a local network.

    Portable Chargers

    • There are times when you find yourself away from a wall outlet and need to charge your phone. For these times, consider purchasing a portable charger. Portable chargers are pocket-sized. Most contain a USB port and the appropriate cables so you can connect your phone to the charger anywhere. Prices range depending on make and model, but most can be purchased for less than $40 as of the time of publication. Some models feature indication lights, or lights that inform you of when your cellphone has been fully charged.

    Benefits Of The Charge

    • Always keep a close eye on your cellphone's battery life, especially if you are planning on venturing out. As soon as the battery dies, the cellphone is rendered useless until it is charged again. This can cause problems, especially if you get stuck in the middle of nowhere, need to contact a friend or for any other reason find yourself in desperate need of a cellphone. Most cellphones will display the amount of battery power they have left. It's hard to determine how many seconds, minutes or hours your cellphone battery has left, so play it cautious by always having it fully charged if possible.

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