Business & Finance Taxes

Gambling Tax Refund - Get A Us Gambling Tax Refund

In order for you to qualify to get a gambling tax refund, you have to be able to prove that you were a resident of another country at the time you won your money at the casino.  The winnings have to have taken place in the past three years and you need proper documentation as to your residency at that time.  You stand to get back up to 30 percent of the money you won when you get a us gambling tax refund from the US government.  This can be substantial if you have won a great deal of money in the United States.

Trying to get a US gambling tax refund can be tricky for most non US residents as they are not familiar with the process.  Many non US residents are not even aware that they are entitled to getting a gambling tax refund on the withholdings.  You are better off to use a firm that can help you obtain this money.  They can work with you and even obtain the win slip that you received when you won your money from the casino as in most cases, people do not keep this slip.  If you won $10,000 at the casino, for example, you stand to gain $3,000 of this back when you get a US gambling tax refund.  This amount of money in US dollars is well worth your time to try to obtain the gambling tax refund using a firm that is well versed in getting this money back for you.

Many people come to the US to gamble each year and do so in places like Las Vegas and even Atlantic City.  Anyone who wins over $1200 in the casino gets the tax taken right from their winnings at the time they are paid.  While US citizens have to pay this amount of money, non US citizens are not bound by the same rules.  You can apply for a gambling tax refund and receive your money back.  As long as you meet the right criteria, you can get your US gambling tax refund after completing the request using certain forms.  This can be confusing for a non-US citizen, which is why it is better to get the wheels in motion by using a firm that does this work.  The government in the US does not move quickly, especially when it comes to returning tax money to individuals.  But you can get your gambling tax refund quicker by using a company that specializes in obtaining a us gambling tax refund for those who are not citizens of the US and were not citizens at the time they obtained their winnings.


If you won big at the casino and had money withheld, you may be entitled to a gambling tax refund if you are not a US citizen.  You can use a firm that can get you a us gambling tax refund of the money withheld by going to US Tax Recovery.

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