Some Home Exercises That Can Help You Lose Belly Fat - Tips For a Stay at Home Mum
Are you a stay at home mum with your hands full and you want to lose belly fat? Rather than paying for a gym membership that you will not use, there are many exercises that you can do in your home to reduce your belly fat.
And you do not need very expensive for that.
Let us look at some of the reasons why you should strive to lose belly fat.
Foremost the most important thing is to determine which fitness equipments you can use to create a personal stay at home mum workout routine.
You will need the following, a good exercise/stretching mat mat, stability ball, tension bands and hand weights.
Those are some of the basic equipments necessary for a home belly workout.
Using your exercise mat you can do the traditions sit ups and stomach crunches.
These are exercises that you can do the first thing in the morning when you wake up.
You can also do ten sit ups and ten crunches when the kids are taking a nap.
These exercises will not take much of your time and you can do them at anytime of the day, even when the children are playing.
The mat is also perfect for stretching before using the other equipments and after the exercises.
The stability ball offers a complete abdominal strengthening routine.
They can be used for complete crunches, reverse crunches and even push ups.
The balls need some learning time to get used to them but they are worth it for a stay at home mum.
Instead of the traditional sit ups, use the ball for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.
The next piece of equipment is the resistance bands.
They are used to create force and strengthen in the whole body.
When used they can strengthen the sagging ab muscles.
They may be hard to adjust to the first few days but once you are used to them them it is a breeze.
If you combine the resistance bands and the stability ball and do ten minutes of each morning and evening, after six weeks you may start to lose some belly fat.
However it depends on individuals and how they use the equipments.
The resistance bands are pretty cheap and they also come with workout planners and workout videos that you can use.
Finally use the hand weights for simple weight lifting at home.
Weight lifting will make you burn fat for a very long time, so make sure you incorporate it in your exercise plan.
You do not have to us the hand weight daily though.
The most important thing as a stay at home mum is to make use of these exercise times as a personal time, time for you.
When you exercise to try and lose belly fat it is an honor to your body.
The mentioned home exercises will not add to your busy life.
If you plan them well, they will make you feel and look better.
And you do not need very expensive for that.
Let us look at some of the reasons why you should strive to lose belly fat.
- Belly fat accumulation is an indication of excess fat in the body.
- When you have a big belly you are more prone to diabetes.
- It also boosts confidence in women when they lose that excess annoying fat.
- Losing stomach fat makes it easier for you to stop putting on maternity clothes and get back to normal attire, sexy jeans.
- In addition exercise in general make you more motivated for the day, they keep you healthy and improve your sex life.
Foremost the most important thing is to determine which fitness equipments you can use to create a personal stay at home mum workout routine.
You will need the following, a good exercise/stretching mat mat, stability ball, tension bands and hand weights.
Those are some of the basic equipments necessary for a home belly workout.
Using your exercise mat you can do the traditions sit ups and stomach crunches.
These are exercises that you can do the first thing in the morning when you wake up.
You can also do ten sit ups and ten crunches when the kids are taking a nap.
These exercises will not take much of your time and you can do them at anytime of the day, even when the children are playing.
The mat is also perfect for stretching before using the other equipments and after the exercises.
The stability ball offers a complete abdominal strengthening routine.
They can be used for complete crunches, reverse crunches and even push ups.
The balls need some learning time to get used to them but they are worth it for a stay at home mum.
Instead of the traditional sit ups, use the ball for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening.
The next piece of equipment is the resistance bands.
They are used to create force and strengthen in the whole body.
When used they can strengthen the sagging ab muscles.
They may be hard to adjust to the first few days but once you are used to them them it is a breeze.
If you combine the resistance bands and the stability ball and do ten minutes of each morning and evening, after six weeks you may start to lose some belly fat.
However it depends on individuals and how they use the equipments.
The resistance bands are pretty cheap and they also come with workout planners and workout videos that you can use.
Finally use the hand weights for simple weight lifting at home.
Weight lifting will make you burn fat for a very long time, so make sure you incorporate it in your exercise plan.
You do not have to us the hand weight daily though.
The most important thing as a stay at home mum is to make use of these exercise times as a personal time, time for you.
When you exercise to try and lose belly fat it is an honor to your body.
The mentioned home exercises will not add to your busy life.
If you plan them well, they will make you feel and look better.