How to Choose a Steam Shower
- 1). Decide between a single- or double-steam shower. A single-steam shower only fits one person, while a double-steam shower fits two or more people. If you plan on sharing the shower with your significant other, then you'll want to invest in a double-steam shower.
- 2). Pick a size based on the size you have available in your room. Steam showers come in sizes that are the same as a standalone shower and also a larger size that's more like a sauna. While the larger size might feel more comfortable, it may not fit in your home. You can find larger steam showers that have space inside for only one person, if you prefer that style.
- 3). Choose between a corner steam shower and a wall steam shower. A corner steam shower is created on an angle so that it fits comfortably in a corner of your bathroom and is best for those who want to save space in their room because it doesn't take up a lot of space. A wall shower sits flat against the wall and looks like a regular shower.
- 4). Determine if you want or need a bathtub steam shower. A bathtub steam shower is set up like a traditional bathtub, with space in the bottom for bathing. These are another good space saver as it fits into your existing bathtub space and also provides a shower and bathtub.
- 5). Make your final decision by picking a steam shower that includes all the needed features. Steam shower features include aromatherapy, a mirror, waterproof speakers or radio, foot massage and the ability to change the temperature of the water from inside the shower.