Health & Medical Lose Weight

Do You Actually Need To Lose Weight?

Just how important is it for you to lose weight?You may well be completely fed up with being advised to follow a particular diet plan or stick to a weight loss program, and may find yourself wishing that you could just be left alone to live your life as you always have.
After all you are quite happy as you are.
Is that last statement really true?Being overweight can bring lots of problems including social embarrassment.
Do you find that you have become the butt of all the jokes when you are out?This is a good reason to lose weight, but there are more important factors to help you decide if you actually need to lose weight.
Being overweight, or obese, brings the danger of several very serious diseases, some of which can even prove to be fatal if not caught and treated properly.
If you are obese you are quite likely to be suffering with one of these three main diseases: High blood pressure (or hypertension) - It has been well researched that overweight people, particular overweight men, tend to suffer with high blood pressure.
This can lead to many medical problems and is a real danger to your health and well being.
It is one of the high risk signs for heart attacks and strokes.
Diabetes - Stage II diabetes is very common in middle aged people who are overweight.
Diabetes is a serious illness, for which there is no cure.
High Blood Cholesterol levels - Again another major contributor in strokes and heart attacks.
You can take medication for all three of these, but you could also lose weight.
It is often found that a significant weight loss will help you to lower your blood pressure level, lower your cholesterol, and even stop you from having to go over to insulin injections if you become diabetic.
All three of these are potentially fatal and you should do all you can to remove yourself from the risk of any of them, and losing weight will be a great start.
Most obese people, especially men, carry the extra fat around their middles, so their waists are much larger than they should be.
Take a look at your waistline, and if it is fatter than normal, then you could say that you are more at risk of suffering from a stroke or finding yourself with diabetes.
In case you were not sure, an acceptable waist size for a male should be no more than 35" and a female no more than 33".
More than this is considered to be abnormal and you will find yourself at risk of one of the diseases already mentioned.
So do you actually need to lose weight?Forget listening to what other people say, read through this article again and ask yourself if you are putting yourself at risk.
If so, then follow a sensible diet plan to lose the extra weight.

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