Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Fitness Exercise - 6 Warning Signals That Could Lead To Damage

There is no doubt about it that being physically active and taking regular exercise can have many benefits. The maximum benefits are derived from when it is done on a regular basis. However, to much exercise and when we overdo it can have the opposite effect on our health. Over doing it can put too much pressure on your heart and your body.

Many people do not realise how easy it is to over exercise and this is more common in people who are not use to exercising. Experienced athletes understand the limits of their body and the warning signs the body gives to them to slow own. If you are beginning to take exercise be aware of the following signs:

* If you have difficulty in finishing your fitness routine because there is no fuel left in the tank then reduce the intensity of your exercise. For example, slow the pace of your walking or jogging.

* If you find that you are unable to speak in the way you do when a having a regular conversation during your fitness routine then this is a sign that you should lower the intensity of the exercise.

* If you get a sickness feeling while you're exercising this could be an indication that you are exercising too hard. This can also happen when you stop your exercise and experience light-headedness. These feelings can happen when the flow of blood increases in your legs and it provisionally collects in the veins. This makes it challenging for the heart to sustain a sufficient yield. When you experience these symptoms then slow down the pace of your exercise. Take a longer cooling down session. If these sensations happen more than once then see your doctor.

* If you feel tired after a workout routine rather than feeling a sense of energy then this is a sign that you may have pushed your body too hard. The next time you exercise do not push yourself too intensely. Lower the intensity of the exercise or reduce the distance or time that you exercise. If you continually become tired after you have reduced the intensity then it is advisable to see your doctor.

* An effective and well balanced exercise routine will help you sleep during the night. If your exercise routine is not having any affect in making you sleep better or it has affected the quality of your sleep then this is a sign that you need to slow down the pace of your exercise routine. When you're sleeping becomes better then you can increase gradually but, within reason.

* It is very important that you warm up and then stretch before your exercise. If you do not then you will increase your risk of injury to the muscles, joints or ligaments. Effective and quality exercising will improve mobility and decrease feelings of those aches, pains and stiffness. If you feel pain and stiffness then your exercise is either too intense or you are not warming up before you exercise or cooling down afterwards.

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