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Master The Art Of Firting

Men flirt in different ways and for different reasons. Some flirt primarily to get into the ladies' underpants, while others do it to meet new people. For some, flirting is just pure fun. But not all men have mastered the art of flirting. A few may still have trouble approaching a girl they like. Building attraction and showing interest can be done in subtle ways. To be successful in seducing women, mastering flirting skills is a must. First things first: Take a very good look at yourself. Do you even have a mirror? Personal hygiene still plays a major role in catching her attention.

No, don't douse yourself with cologne. It will only drive her away. A fresh face, fresh breath and fresh clothes are enough to boost your confidence and make her notice you. Be approachable but avoid being too loud. Smile or laugh when she looks your way. Women are often turned off by annoyingly loud persons who seem to look for a lot of attention. Men with a hint of fun, sophistication and an air of mystery are the ones ladies find hard to ignore. Men with humorous personality often have an easier time breaking the ice and meet someone. Childish pranks and silly jokes should be left at home.

If you have an opportunity to crack a joke, go for it. If not, just enjoy a meaningful conversation with her. It's better to sit back and relax than look corny and juvenile. Be a good listener. Women love it when they find a man who knows how to pay attention. Look into her eyes but avoid staring at her chest lustfully. Flirt with your body. Body language flirting such as stroking your hair, licking lips and leaning in toward the person will surely captivate her attention. On the other hand, look for her subtle (or maybe not -so-subtle) movements too.

A folded arms and tensed body screams of "DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT". Respect her space. Keep your hands in your pocket. Or hold your bottle of beer, whatever. Some women have no objection to being touched, but there are still others who get horrified by it. If you want to test her personal space, move closer a little each time. Then move back a little and notice her reactions. If she doesn't slap you, then you're on a roll! Touching is a lovely flirty reaction only if she welcomes it. Ask for her number only if you really intend to call.

Flirting is not just about looking out for prospects. It's also about making new connections and having fun. If you have no plans of using her number, don't ask. Don't give false hopes and make her wait for a phone call that you'll never make. Don't forget your self-respect. How else will she respect you if you don't show any self-respect at all? You'll only look like the loser that you already are if you hover and grovel and be desperate. You are special and you deserve her so act like it! Be yourself. Show your best. Be proud of what you are but find ways to improve yourself if you have to.

Remember, there's always somebody out there who will like you for what you really are.

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