Health & Medical Women's Health

Why Vagina Tightening is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Him

Before having children I bet your vagina was tight and strong and you had no "accidents" if you laughed or sneezed.
Well the good news is that vagina tightening is easy and can be done with exercises that take no more than 10 minutes a day.
Not only do these kegel exercises give you a tighter vagina, but they also improve female libido, heighten orgasms and make multiple orgasms much more likely.
Think about it the vagina is just a muscle so like any other muscle will become stronger when it is exercised.
The more intense workouts that you give it the stronger it will get, there are many ways apart from kegels to do this.
You can buy weights, wa balls and even a kegel exercise machine.
They all do a good job but cost a fair bit of money, so for me the best way to get a tighter vagina is natural kegel exercises.
If you do a quick search you will find many good guides.
In short they teach many ways of strengthening the PC muscle, which is the muscle that controls the urine flow.
Once this muscle is strong amazing "side effects" take place like orgasms so powerful they make you quiver, multiple orgasms, and increased sex drive.
The main reason that a lot of women think about vaginal tightening is that their sex life is awful, they just don't feel sexy with their loose vagina, in short they feel past their sell by date.
They are paranoid about sex and often think that their man is not enjoying it because their vagina is big.
But after a week or two of these kegels you will feel 10 years younger, your vagina will be so tight and strong.
Self confidence can go through the roof as you will feel like a real woman again and not a woman who dare not even laugh in case you wet your panties.
But the best thing is the look on a mans face when you tense your new muscles around his penis, oh boy will he have a surprise that night.
You will have the power over how long he lasts in bed and he will love it.

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