Options For the Use of a Manual Log Splitter
Enjoying a blazing fire on a cold winter day is something enjoyed by anyone with a fireplace or a stove with an open front.
Unfortunately, this enjoyable occasion requires wood to stoke the fire.
For people fortunate enough to be able to fall their own trees or purchase logs it follows that these logs must be split to fit in the stove or fireplace.
This can be very hard work, but many have found that using a manual log splitter is an excellent way to make this chore easier.
It is a fortunate family who has a person that can split the wood for this enjoyment.
It is very hard work that takes a great deal of strength as well as time.
When deciding to make this a 'do-it-yourself' project, compared to just purchasing a cord or two, where to find wood is the first question, but this must be followed with how to split it.
A caution should be made first, however, that one not be tempted by the convenience.
Many people have become ill by using old fence posts or boards from demolished houses.
This is due to the fact the wood is often treated or painted and, when burnt, noxious gasses are emitted that are harmful to the human body.
Firewood can be found in many places.
Often a large mill which handles logs will have mill ends for sale.
These mill ends are the end of large logs that cannot be used for lumber.
Many times the mill will be good enough to load the log ends onto a vehicle at no cost.
Another source of wood are large logging mills.
These mills have thousands of acres of timber and always have some trees that have been cut down, but are not suitable for their lumber purposes.
It is possible to obtain a special permit at a very low price which will allow the purchaser access to these lands for certain periods of time.
Using a chain saw is easy to saw these salvaged trees into rounds.
After sawing a number of rounds they must then be split into a size to fit a stove.
That is where a manual log splitter comes in handy.
These are then loaded into the vehicle for transportation to its destination.
Many people take advantage of this opportunity to get firewood at a very low price.
Wood sellers as well as homeowners find this is a very good way to save or make money.
It is a hard job, but results are profitable when that fabulous flame radiates heat that warms anyone on the coldest day.
For many years cutting wood with what is called a bucking saw was the only method available.
This is a long, thin saw which requires two people to pull it back and forth to cut through a log.
Fortunately, modern technology has replaced this with a chain saw which can be operated by one person.
Also, in those days, a person splitting wood had to use a hand axe, wedge, and heavy hammer split the wood into burnable sizes.
The invention of a manual log splitter was the 'answer to a prayer, ' as the saying goes.
This invention weighed very little and could be handled by one person.
Some manual log splitters have a horizontal or horizontal vertical configuration to accommodate hard or soft wood as well as different sizes.
Unfortunately, this enjoyable occasion requires wood to stoke the fire.
For people fortunate enough to be able to fall their own trees or purchase logs it follows that these logs must be split to fit in the stove or fireplace.
This can be very hard work, but many have found that using a manual log splitter is an excellent way to make this chore easier.
It is a fortunate family who has a person that can split the wood for this enjoyment.
It is very hard work that takes a great deal of strength as well as time.
When deciding to make this a 'do-it-yourself' project, compared to just purchasing a cord or two, where to find wood is the first question, but this must be followed with how to split it.
A caution should be made first, however, that one not be tempted by the convenience.
Many people have become ill by using old fence posts or boards from demolished houses.
This is due to the fact the wood is often treated or painted and, when burnt, noxious gasses are emitted that are harmful to the human body.
Firewood can be found in many places.
Often a large mill which handles logs will have mill ends for sale.
These mill ends are the end of large logs that cannot be used for lumber.
Many times the mill will be good enough to load the log ends onto a vehicle at no cost.
Another source of wood are large logging mills.
These mills have thousands of acres of timber and always have some trees that have been cut down, but are not suitable for their lumber purposes.
It is possible to obtain a special permit at a very low price which will allow the purchaser access to these lands for certain periods of time.
Using a chain saw is easy to saw these salvaged trees into rounds.
After sawing a number of rounds they must then be split into a size to fit a stove.
That is where a manual log splitter comes in handy.
These are then loaded into the vehicle for transportation to its destination.
Many people take advantage of this opportunity to get firewood at a very low price.
Wood sellers as well as homeowners find this is a very good way to save or make money.
It is a hard job, but results are profitable when that fabulous flame radiates heat that warms anyone on the coldest day.
For many years cutting wood with what is called a bucking saw was the only method available.
This is a long, thin saw which requires two people to pull it back and forth to cut through a log.
Fortunately, modern technology has replaced this with a chain saw which can be operated by one person.
Also, in those days, a person splitting wood had to use a hand axe, wedge, and heavy hammer split the wood into burnable sizes.
The invention of a manual log splitter was the 'answer to a prayer, ' as the saying goes.
This invention weighed very little and could be handled by one person.
Some manual log splitters have a horizontal or horizontal vertical configuration to accommodate hard or soft wood as well as different sizes.