Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Top Psoriasis Myths Busted

According to experts, psoriasis is the most common autoimmune skin condition in the world.
And despite its prevalence, it still remains a a big mystery to the world.
Psoriasis is a skin condition mainly characterized by red patches on the skin and silvery scales.
There is no known cure for it yet, but there are treatments today that aim to improve the appearance of the skin.
Psoriasis can be a debilitating condition, but more than the physical struggles, many patients say that the misconceptions of people about their skin condition is more hurtful.
With this, let me share to you some of the top psoriasis myths.
Here are some of them.
Myth 1.
Psoriasis is contagious.
Psoriasis plaques and lesions can crack and bleed.
Because of this, many people assume that it's something they can catch if they go near the person.
For the record, psoriasis is not a skin infection and you cannot catch it from another person.
Myth 2.
Psoriasis is caused by poor hygiene.
Although, most skin conditions are exacerbated by poor personal hygiene, psoriasis is caused by the immune system.
It is a disease of the immune system.
People with psoriasis have a genetic tendency to develop the condition so it's definitely not caused by poor hygiene.
Myth 3.
Psoriasis is just a cosmetic condition.
Red scaly patches are just one of the many symptoms of psoriasis.
This peculiar skin condition can also cause pain, intense itching and psoriatic arthritis so it's definitely more than meets the eye.
Myth 4.
Psoriasis is very simple to diagnose.
Unknown to many, there are many people with psoriasis that don't know that they have psoriasis.
Let us take Hollywood reality star Kim Kardashian as an example.
She just discovered that she has psoriasis a few years ago, but little did she know that she was born with it and it's in her genes.
Skin rashes are very common so doctors have to rule out other causes such as allergies, viruses and eczema.
Myth 5.
Psoriasis can't be treated.
While there is no permanent cure for this condition yet, there are many ways to relieve its symptoms.
However, there is no "one treatment fits all" approach to psoriasis.
What works for one person may not work for another.
Treatments for psoriasis may include topical creams, oral prescriptions and UV or light therapy.
For people suffering from psoriasis, these myths and misconceptions about their skin condition make their lifelong struggle more difficult.
So it's really important to know these things to avoid making them feel worse.

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